ADS: Accessing WCER Application Delivery Service: Mac

macOS instructions for accessing and using the WCER Application Delivery Service (ADS) remote app server.


Required Software

Please note these additional software requirements before continuing:

Microsoft Remote Desktop

Mac users must download and install Microsoft Remote Desktop.

This application is available in the following ways:

  • Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub
    This application is on all Macs provided by WCER. Learn more about Intelligent Hub here.
  • App Store
    Free, but requires an Apple ID
  • Direct download from Microsoft here
    Best if you do not have a WCER-provided Mac or an Apple ID.

GlobalProtect by PaloAlto Networks

Unless you are in a School of Education campus building and connected to the network via an Ethernet cable, you will also need to connect the GlobalProtect VPN client before you will be able to access the Application Delivery Service portal. This application is also available for free and is already installed on all WCER issued laptops.

NOTE: You can find instructions for installing and configuring the GlobalProtect VPN client by clicking here.

Please contact WCER Research IT if you need help installing or configuring either of these applications

GlobalProtect 4.1.2

GlobalProtect VPN Client

Unless you are in a School of Education campus building and connected to the network via an Ethernet cable, you will also need to connect the GlobalProtect VPN client before you will be able to access the Application Delivery Service portal. This application is also available for free and is already installed on all WCER issued laptops.

NOTE: You can find instructions for installing and configuring the GlobalProtect VPN client by clicking here.

Please contact WCER Research IT if you need help installing or configuring either of these applications.

Remote Desktop icon BigSur Microsoft Remote Desktop

Mac users must download and install Microsoft Remote Desktop.

This application is available in the following ways:

  • Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub
    This application is on all Macs provided by WCER. Learn more about Intelligent Hub here.
  • App Store
    Free, but requires an Apple ID
  • Direct download from Microsoft here
    Best if you do not have a WCER-provided Mac or an Apple ID.



Getting Started

Open a web browser and enter the following URL:

Log into the web portal using your WCER/SoE username and password.

ADS sign-in

Once you have logged in to the web portal, you will see a list of available applications organized by folder. To see the applications available in a folder, single-click on the folder to open it.  You may then single-click on the "Up" folder icon to return to the parent folder.


Remote Apps and Desktops

To launch an application, single-click on the icon for that application.

As soon as you click the icon, a file will be downloaded to the Downloads folder of your Mac with a name related to the application you selected.

For example, if you clicked on Word 2013, you will find a file named “cpub-WINWORD-MSOffice-CmsRdsh.rdp” within your Downloads folder.


If you wish, you can use this same downloaded file as a shortcut to access the application in the future.
You could even rename it “Word 2013.rdp” for example, and move it to the desktop to make it easier to use.

Click on the downloaded file and it will launch Microsoft Remote Desktop.

You will be presented with a login window where you must enter your WCER username and password.




No Applications Visible on ADS Website

If you do not see any applications or remote desktop links when you log in at, contact the WCER Help Desk - you may not be a member of the Active Directory domain group which grants access.

No apps visible on ADS website

RemnoteApp Connection Window Not Appearing
A common problem for Mac users is that the very first time you launch Microsoft Remote Desktop, you may not see the login prompt. If this happens quit Microsoft Remote Desktop (⌘Q) and open it again.

You will then see the login window similar to the one shown below.

Cannot Access Local Drives or Folders
By design, WCER's Application Delivery Service (ADS) does not allow direct access to a user's local computer drives. This includes the C: drive on Windows and Macintosh HD on macOS as well as portable drives. This means that users typically need to open and save their work on WCER project folders (i.e., the N: drive).

NOTE: Users who do not have access to a WCER projects folder, or do not wish to use it, may also use cloud storage shares such as Box Drive, Google Drive , or Microsoft OneDrive while using ADS applications. To do this, users must first grant authorization to these cloud services via Kumo.

Network drive access

Slow Application Launch
Please note that if this is the first time you are using the cluster there may be some delay, and some applications such as Adobe Photoshop can take 30-45 seconds to complete their launch preparations.

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wcer, remote applications, app server, ADS, application, delivery, service, mac, MAXQDA, NVivo 
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Dave P. in WCER