InfoLabs - Logging Into Lab Computers Using NetID

InfoLab computers use Campus Active Directory NetID authentication for login.

This document handles Windows and macOS login on InfoLabs' computers using NetID. For problems relating to login for other web based NetID services such as MyUW, please see NetID - Login Problems or MyUW Madison - Login, Access, and Troubleshooting .

The InfoLabs computers use Campus Active Directory for login.  For help logging in, see Campus Active Directory - NetID User Authentication.

If you cannot log in to a particular computer, please first try a different computer.  There are occasionally network connectivity or keyboard problems that make a particular computer unusable.  If the new computer works, please notify lab staff so they can get the initial computer checked out and repaired.

If you are unable to log in to any computer, confirm that you're using the correct NetID/Password combination by logging into the NetID Login Service, My UW-Madison, Office 365, or other NetID authenticated service.

If you have a valid NetID/Password and are still unable to login to any InfoLab machine, call the DoIT Help Desk at 264-HELP.

infolab login netid failure error 
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SEAN G. in InfoLabs
DoIT Help Desk, InfoLabs