WiscWeb - Why we recommend UW Box for file storage

This document discusses the benefits for using UW Box for file storage rather than WordPress's Media Library.

True file management

The Media Library in WordPress is not a true file management system. Alternatively, UW Box allows for standard folder structures, with permissions settings available at each level and more robust search and filter capabilities.

Less file type and size restrictions

For security and performance reasons, WiscWeb has certain restrictions on what types and what size of files can be loaded to the Media Library in WordPress. In general, UW Box will be a lot more forgiving on what can be uploaded. A full list of accepted file types for Box can be found in the Box file types document. The maximum file size for a personal account in UW Box is 15GB (with some considerations to keep in mind).

Please note that as of June 15, 2020, UW-Madison Box accounts will no longer have unlimited storage. All accounts will be subject to a storage quota.

Version control

UW Box has full version control capabilities, allowing users to easily track all versions of a document and revert at any time. It's also very simple to replace a document with the same name while maintaining a list of previous iterations that can be accessed at any time.

Archiving capabilities

Due to the enhanced version control capabilities, UW Box makes it easy to archive files. You can download a collection of files to save out elsewhere or move multiple items to a whole different folder location in Box.

Enhanced permission options

UW Box allows users to enable permission settings at both the folder level and the individual file level. Through access controls, you can share documents with those internal campus (using NetIDs) or share with external members (using their personal or professional email addresses). Collaborators can be granted different levels of access based on what you want them to be able to do and see. An added perk is that you don't have to give users access to your WiscWeb site in order to have them collaborate on a document.

Access control logs

UW Box users are able to track who has accessed or downloaded a specific file.

File encryption

All documents in UW Box are encrypted both in transport and in rest, offering more enhanced security.

Mobile-specific advantages

In UW Box, you don't have to download files in order to see what is in them. The file will display it in your browser window. Also, you can expect faster load times in Box (compared with WordPress's Media Library). This creates less strain on a users' data plan and frees up storage space on their device.

Box, UW Box, file storage, media, uploads, video, large 
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Jenna K. in WiscWeb
DoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb