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CALS DDO - Points of Contact - Research Division

This document outlines the points of contacts for the Research Division within the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences.

Updated June 2024
For more detailed information about this series of documents, please return to the CALS DDO - Points of Contact - Overview.


The CALS Research Division provides administrative support for securing the resources needed to carry out the research mission in the college, including i) review of extramural grant proposals, ii) submission of internal research grants that require college-level approval, iii) negotiating the terms of incoming research grants, contracts, and fee-for-service as well as those found in the full spectrum of non-funded agreements such as: material transfer agreements, confidentiality (non-disclosure) agreements, memorandums of understanding, data use agreements, and facility use agreements. 

Staff also oversee or provide guidance on multiple aspects of research compliance, including animal care and use and accreditation, intellectual property disclosures, responsible conduct of research, conflict of interest, biological safety, and human subjects. CALS Research Division represents the college on UW campus research committees, working groups, and task forces, and provides oversight of the CALS Agricultural Research Stations. 

The CALS Research Division works with all extramural sponsors and many internal institutional awarding units through award negotiation and set up. After an award has been negotiated and funding has been set up in an account in WISER, financial management of grants/contracts transfers to CALS Business Services (Post-Award), including PI changes and requests for no-cost extensions. Non-financial progress and reporting continues to be handled through CALS Research Division. USDA capacity funding (Hatch, McIntire-Stennis, Animal Health) is administered by the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station (WAES) in partnership with CALS Business Services. 


Troy Runge, Associate Dean for Research
  • Responsible for administration, management, and supervision of the college's extramural grant programs, including compliance and assurance issues
  • Primary contact with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education for campus and national research policy, and with WARF on patent disclosures and intellectual property issues
  • Scheduling through Katie Datka, 
Sandy Fowler, Assistant Dean for Research
  • Oversees the operations of the Research Division, which includes facilitating research opportunities, proposals, submissions, awards, and contracting, while fostering ethical stewardship of research funds and sponsor expectations
  • Coordinates with college and campus partners to support all facets of research compliance within the college, including biological safety, animal care and use, human subjects, conflict of interest, export controls, and responsible conduct of research
  • Serves as liaison with Research and Sponsored Programs, Office of Legal Affairs, OVCRGE, and other campus offices related to research activity as well as WARF
Casey Hillmer, Assistant Director, WAES
  • Responsible for the annual Hatch, Hatch Multistate, McIntire-Stennis, and Animal Health Call for Proposals process and Hatch and McIntire-Stennis Capital Exercise
  • Responsible for all Hatch, Hatch Multistate, McIntire-Stennis, and Animal Health financial reporting to USDA
  • Distributes the Hatch and McIntire-Stennis startup commitment funding
  • Manages the REEport and Plan of Work reporting requirements for the college Hatch, Hatch Multistate, McIntire-Stennis, and Animal Health Programs
  • Responsible for Gift in Kinds
Sarah Johnson-Schlueter, Compliance Specialist
  • Oversees responsibilities for research compliance of all extramural funding including but not limited to conflicts of interest and institutional board reviews, and facilitates resolutions to meet federal, state, and university regulation/policy for researchers in CALS
  • Provides leadership for AAALAC accreditation, including direction and guidance to staff and units throughout CALS in cooperation with other campus oversight units
Megan Maguire, Preaward Manager
  • Provides support for long range planning, quality control/assurance, and training
  • Animal & Dairy Sciences, Bacteriology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Nutritional Sciences, Undergraduate Programs & Services
  • NIH T32 training grants
Martin Lea, Preaward Specialist
Ryan Dunn, Preaward Specialist

Becky Lowery, Agreement and Contract Negotiator
Limin Tang, Post-award Grant Accountant

Noelle Wilharm, Post-award Grant Accountant

Katie Datka, Post-award Grant Accountant for Rural Partnership
Shanon Hankin, Grant Development Specialist
Sarah Rudnick, Agreement and Contract Negotiator
Vicki Schamens, Post-Award Financial Manager


Responsibilities of the Research Division
 Advance account numbers  Electronic entry/routing/submissions  NIH Commons setup (assignment of passwords) Regulatory compliance
  • Chemical safety
  • Effort reporting
  • Export controls
  • Occupational health
  • Outside activities reports
  • Conflict of Interest/Management Plans
  • Responsible conduct of research
 ARS Summer Internship competitions  Exceptional circumstances  NIH Just-in-Time (JIT) submissions  Risk Management/Insurance Certificates reviews
 Award setup  ezFedGrants proposals/reporting  NIH RPPR (progress reports)  SEED competitions (VCRGE)
 F&A/Indirect costs - waivers and off-campus approvals  Non-federal agencies/sponsors  Shared grants (subcontracts to UW-Extension & other UW system schools)
 Baldwin submissions  Facility Use Agreements  NSF Fastlane/  Speaker agreements
 CALS Bridge funding competitions  Federal agencies/sponsors  Nuzum Kickapoo Valley Fund competitions  Subaccounts (prior to award)
 Budget building/management  Fee-for-service agreements/negotiations  Outreach/training agreements  Subagreements (prior to award)
 Cayuse 424  Policies/procedures (compliance, research, admin)  Technical reporting
 Clinical trials  Field trials  PI change requests on proposals (prior to award)  Terms/conditions review for grants/contracts
 Collaboration agreements  Funding opportunities  Pound Research Award competitions  Training grants/fellowships
 Commodity Board Funding (state, regional, national)  Funding search tools  Program revenue inclusion/issues  Tuition remission issues (prior to award)
 Confidentiality/non-disclosure agreements (CDAs/NDAs)  Proposals  University of Wisconsin Consortium for Extension and Research in Agriculture and Natural Resources (CERANR) competitions
 Contracts/agreement issues/negotiations  Intellectual property issues  Proposal modifications/supplements  USDA-ARS specific cooperative agreements
 Cost sharing/commitments  International contracts/agreements  Protocol lookup system  USDA-ARS task orders
 CRADA's (Cooperative Research & Development Agreements)  Invention disclosures  Rebudget requests (prior to award)  VCRGE/WARF grant competitions
 Cross-college approvals  Industry sponsors/contracts/agreements  Research Administrator Training for CALS  WCIA/CALS/WARF Plant Germplasm competitions
 Data use/transfer agreements  Limited PI status  Research misconduct issues  Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowships (WDGFs)
 Data analytics - grant/award reports  Material transfer agreements  Research protocols
  • Animal care and use
  • Biological safety
  • Human subjects
  • Select agents
  • Stem cells
 Wisconsin state agency grants/contracts
 DRAPER-TIF competitions (VCRGE)  Memorandum of agreement/understanding  Research safety  WISPER
 Effort commitments/issues  NASA NSPIRES (grant system)  Research policy  

college of agricultural and life sciences, dean's office, deans, admin, agriculture, contacts, units, grants, contracts, contract, extramural, internal, compliance, intellectual property, task force, award, awards, compliance, VCRGE, WISPER, WARF, WCIA, WDGF, USDA-ARS,CDA, NDA 
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Tara D. in CALS Dean's Office
CALS Dean's Office