News and Announcements

Reminder: Service account My Drive files will be deleted on August 1, 2024

Posted: 2024-07-26 13:39:15   Expiration: 2024-09-06 16:02:15

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2024-07-26 13:39:15. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Starting August 1, 2024, Google files owned by a Microsoft 365 (M365) service account will be trashed, moved to the trash folder. The account will continue to be suspended from all Google Workspace spaces until further action is taken. Affected accounts need to ake action as soon as possible. Learn more about the service change timeline.

Who will be impacted?

M365 service accounts that meet the following criteria will be affected:

  • Continue to use Google storage 

  • Owns files in My Drive

  • Storing data in the Google Photos app 

    • A small percentage of affected M365 service accounts are using the Google Photos app.

    • Accounts will be notified of its usage if account access is requested.

    • Accounts that do not have Google Photos app data no longer have access to the app. 

What should I do before August 1?

Current account status: Microsoft 365 service accounts that meet the criteria above and have not taken action are currently experiencing the following: 

  • Access to all Google Workspace apps via the M365 service account is temporarily suspended. 

  • Files owned by the M365 service account remain in the same location they were saved before the account was temporarily suspended. No changes to the file's location.

  • Collaborators can still access files owned by the M365 service account.

Goal: To regain access and prevent suspension, the M365 service account needs to:

  • Use 0 GB of Google storage

  • Own zero files

  • If applicable, use 0 GB in the Google Photos app

Next steps:

Is the Microsoft 365 account currently suspended:

Note: Once access is restored, if the account continues to meet the criteria above by July 31, the account’s access to all Google Workspace services will be temporarily suspended again. 

What can I do after August 1?

Account status: Microsoft 365 service accounts that meet the criteria above and have not taken action by July 31 will experience the following on August 1: 

  • Access to all Google Workspace apps via the M365 service account is temporarily suspended. 

  • Files owned by the M365 service account are trashed, moved to the trash folder.

  • Collaborators lose access to files owned by the M365 service account.

Goal: To regain access, preserve files, and prevent suspension, the M365 service account needs to:

  • Use 0 GB of Google storage

  • Own zero files

  • If applicable, use 0 GB in the Google Photos app

Next steps:

Is the M365 service account currently suspended:

  • Yes - Contact the DoIT Help Desk for assistance.

    • Once access is restored, follow the steps below.

  • No -  Follow these steps before August 31, 2024.

    • Once access is restored, you can either:

      • Empty the trash folder if the files are no longer needed.

      • Restore files from the trash folder and move them to another location to ensure the account is using 0 GB and owns zero files. 

  • Deadline: Restore files from the trash folder ahead of August 31 before they are permanently deleted and irrecoverable. File recovery is not guaranteed. 


Please contact the DoIT Help Desk if you have any questions.

-- UW-Madison Google Workspace