Welcome to the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research Knowledgebase

This KnowledgeBase (KB) is the repository of content for internal audiences. Internal audiences include Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, research centers, researchers/principal investigators, and associated committees.

Topic areas include:

Governance and Advisory Committees

Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) and Equity and Diversity Committee (EAD). Each committee is responsible for maintaining their own KB content.

Intended audiences: members of the committees listed above, as well as others who interact with these committees.

Human Resources and Payroll

In collaboration with UW–Madison leadership, VCR Human Resources provides guidance, mentoring and oversight to administration, and 17 centers within the Office of the VCR. VCR HR develops the workplace through human resources activities including recruitment, classification, compensation, payroll and benefits, employment relations, training and budget coordination.

Project Agreements and Intellectual Property

This topic will provide information and templates about industrial agreements for faculty researchers and departmental administrators. It will include relevant UW policies, an FAQ, events/outreach info, and templates of our standard agreements. It also provides policies and forms applicable to the creation, ownership, and disclosure of intellectual property generated at the UW.

Intended audiences: Research faculty, post docs, graduate students, anyone participating in sponsored research, and anyone generating or working with UW intellectual property.

Research Policy and Compliance

The Office of Research Compliance develops and coordinates policy and oversight of human research subject protections, activities associated with research animal care and use, and the stem cell oversight program.

The Office of Research Policy and Integrity ensures and advances a climate of ethical behavior and research integrity at the University of Wisconsin–Madison through outside activity reporting and conflict of interest monitoring, research-related facility use tracking, research training recording, and oversight of research affiliations with external organizations.

Intended audiences: Faculty researchers, post docs, graduate students, and anyone participating in sponsored research on campus.

Research Funding

The Office of the VCR provides research funding for faculty through its annual cross-campus Research Committee competition, as well as funding for travel for faculty to domestic and international meetings, named professorships, mid-career awards, and faculty fellowships.


The glossary provides definitions of key terms used across all of the topic areas listed above.

welcome overview about kb vice chancellor research 
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Owned by:
Natasha K. in VCRGE and Graduate School
VCRGE and Graduate School