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Campus Active Directory - How to Identify Workstation Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN)
Computers attached to the Campus Active Directory can be identified by their fully qualified domain name or FQDN . A computer's fully qualified domain name is in the form, [computer name].[domain]. This document will help you identify your computer's FQDN.
Windows 7
- Begin in the Start menu
- Right-click Computer
- Click Properties
- The fully qualified domain name appears next to Full computer name
![Win7FQDN.png null](/images/group438/39180/Win7FQDN.png)
Windows 8/8.1
- Begin in the home screen
- Type Computer
- Right-click Computer from the search results
- Click Properties on the bottom of the screen
- The fully qualified domain name appears next to Full computer name
![Win8FQDN.png null](/images/group438/39180/Win8FQDN.png)
Windows 10
- Begin on the desktop.
- Type Control Panel in the "Search Windows" box in the taskbar.
- Click on System and Security.
- Click on System.
- The fully qualified domain name applers next to Full Computer Name.
![Win10FQDN.png null](/images/group438/39180/Win10FQDN.png)
Mac OS
The fully qualified computer name can be determined by combining the Computer Account with the Active Directory Domain from the procedure below.
- Open a terminal prompt
- Enter
dsconfigad -show
- If you are connected to a domain, you will see a printout containing Computer Account and Active Directory Domain
- If you are not connected to a domain, nothing will display and your machine does not have a fully qualified domain name
![OSXFQDN.png null](/images/group438/39180/OSXFQDN.png)
- Start on the desktop.
- Open a Terminal.
- Type hostname -A (The "A" must be captialized).
- The Fully Qualified Domain Name will be given.
![LinuxFQDN.png null](/images/group438/39180/LinuxFQDN.png)
Note: The screenshots are from Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, OS X 10.10.5, and Ubuntu 15.10. Any OS X version will be similar to this one, and any Linux version will be similar to this version.