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Manifest - Editing Membership Start and End Date

Often times members will be added via NetID with the thought their access will end when they discontinue being students or employees. Per the NetID - Eligibility Policy students and employees will retain their NetID long after their current association has ended. Start and end dates can be used to to limit a users membership. 

New Group Members

  1. Log into the Manifest service at
  2. Under the Groups I Manage or Groups I Administer tabs click Details to the right of the group you want to add members to.
  3. Click the Members tab. A list of the current members as well as a + Add Members button will be on the right. Click this button.
  4. Enter any NetIDs that you would like to set dates for. (Note: Entering current members will update their membership.)
  5. Enter in NetIDs that you would like to set dates for separated by commas or on new lines. When finished adding members click + Add Individuals. Any invalid NetIDs must be fixed before the button will work.
  6. Enter a date you would like their membership to start in 'Start Date' or leave blank to have it added immediately.
  7. Enter a date you would like their membership to end in 'End Date' or leave blank to have it continue as long as their NetID is active. Membership removal occurs at midnight on the End Date you specify.
  8. Click Save.

Existing Group Members

  1. Log into the Manifest service at
  2. Under the Groups I Manage or Groups I Administer tabs click Details to the right of the group you want to update.
  3. Click the Members tab. A list of the current members will be displayed.
  4. Find the member you wish to update, then click Edit to the right.
  5. Enter a date you would like their membership to start in 'Start Date' or leave blank to have it added immediately.
  6. Enter a date you would like their membership to end in 'End Date' or leave blank to have it continue as long as their netID is active.
  7. Click Save.

start end membership eligibility netid dates members 
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MST Support in Identity and Access Management
DoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management