Topics Map > Edit Funding

Edit Funding - Overview

A guide on how to use the Edit Funding page in IPT.

The Edit Funding page is where you can view all funding strings that have been entered into the IPT system. You can also update existing funding strings or add new ones. You can access the Edit Funding page from the IPT navigation menu on the left. 

IPT home page with navigation menu on left. Edit Funding link is highlighted in red, with a giant arrow pointing to it

In this guide

Add funding

  1. On the Edit Funding page, select “Add Funding” at the top.
    Edit Funding page with "Add Funding" button at top, highlighted in red

  2. On the Funding page, enter the Fund Name as you would like it to appear in Funding dropdowns throughout the IPT application. 
    Funding page with blank fields. Fund Name field is highlighted in red

  3. The following fields will contain the numbers that make up the funding string. 
    Funding page with blank fields. The Fund, Program, and Department fields are highlighted in red

    1. In the Fund field, enter the three-digit number that categorizes the State Appropriation for the transaction.

    2. In the Program field, enter the one-digit number that indicates the activity type of the transaction. Most IPT funding strings will use a Program code of 2 (Instruction) or 4 (Research).

    3. In the Department field, enter the six-digit number that identifies the organizational structure the transaction is charged to. The first two digits represent Division, the second two digits represent Department, and the last two digits represent Sub-Department.

    4. The Project field is optional in IPT. If you have a Project ID, it will be a seven-character combination of letters and numbers that captures all transactions associated with a specific grant, contract, or activity. 

      1. Project IDs are optional in many cases, but are required when used in combination with funds 114, 133, 135, 138, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 150, 161, 233, and 236.

    5. For more information on how to use and understand funding strings at UW-Madison, refer to Using Funding Codes and Strings - Division of Business Services.

  4. The “Show” checkbox at the bottom of the form is checked by default. Leave it checked to ensure the funding string will appear in Funding dropdowns throughout the IPT application.
    Funding page with "Show" checkbox field highlighted in red, and "Add" button at bottom circled in red

  5. To complete the process, select “Add” at the bottom of the form. If you select “Go Back,” the form will be cleared and will not be saved.

Create a placeholder funding string

You may consider creating a placeholder funding string to use in instances where the exact grant or source of funding is TBD (such as when adding a course release/buyout).

To create a placeholder:

  1. In the Fund Name field, enter “Unknown Grant TBD” or use another name that will be easily understood by your department and payroll administrators.
  2. Enter the Fund code, Program code, and Department ID as you would for a typical grant. 
  3. Leave the Project field blank.
  4. Select “Add” to save your placeholder.

You can update a funding string at any time, whether it’s a placeholder or a real fund.

Edit funding

  1. On the Edit Funding page, find the funding string you’d like to update. Select “View.”
    Edit Funding page with "View" button on right, highlighted in red

  2. All fields on the Funding page can be edited. Make your changes and select “Update” at the bottom of the form to save.

Can you delete a funding string?

You can delete a funding string, but it is recommended you hide funding strings instead of deleting them when possible. This can help your department ensure needed funding strings are not deleted accidentally. 

When a funding string is hidden, it will no longer appear in Funding dropdowns throughout the IPT application, such as on the Course Release page and any individual Course edit pages. 

To hide a funding string your department no longer uses:

  1. Go to the Edit Funding page and find the funding string you’d like to hide. Select “View.” 
  2. On the Funding page, deselect the “Show” checkbox at the bottom of the form.
  3. Select “Update” to save your changes. 
  4. You can verify the funding string is hidden by looking in the “SHOW” column on the Edit Funding page. A hidden funding string will have the letter N in the column to indicate No, the funding string is not shown.

Edit Funding page with focus on a hidden funding string. "Show" column has the letter N, highlighted in red

ipt, instructional planning tool, overview, edit funding, add funding, fund, grant, funding, funding string, add funding string, add funds, grant funding, course, course funding, buyout, buyout funding, delete funding, hide funding, administrator, admin 
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Daniella P. in Instructional Planning Tool Reference
Instructional Planning Tool Reference