Updates on the L&S Administrative Gateway
Posted: 2019-12-06 10:48:18 Expiration: 2020-03-20 14:24:05
Check out the changes we have made to the Gateway in the last few months.
We want this site to be under continuous improvement. If you have any general comments, ideas, questions, or concerns please use the "Feedback or Accessibility Issues" link which is also found at the bottom of the site. This will automatically send a message that site administrators have access to and can address.
Website Style & Theme Change: The "theme" of the website is now consistent with the modern UW theme used on most other UW sites. This makes documents and topics easier, and more accessible, to read.
Document Updates: Document authors were required to go through and update all of their documents. They had to designate the best audience(s) and topic(s) for their content, explicitly state if the information was L&S based or campus-wide, include keywords, and include the best contact information if folks have further questions about the content. If you notice that a document is missing information you think would be helpful, you may click "Comment" at the bottom of the specific document and submit your feedback. The document author will then receive an email.
Welcome Paragraph: This simple new addition that welcomes users and briefly explains the purpose of the site.
Quick Links: This module has been moved from the right side to the center. In addition, there have been more commonly used and important general documents added.
News, Top Documents, Most Recently Updated Documents: These modules have been shifted down on the main page and the amount of documents listed have been reduced. You may click on “More Top/Recent Docs” to see the full 25 document list. You may also click on the upwards facing arrow near the title of the module in order to "hide" it. If you hide it, your personal computer should save this as your preference each time you log in. This is true for any of the modules on the page.
L&S Social Media Tab: In the L&S side module, we added a link that will take users directly to a document managed by Strategic Communications & Advancement that lists all L&S social media resources.
L&S Office Resources Module: This section has notable changes. First of all, the Human Resources & Payroll and Student Academic Policies links have been turned into their own right side modules, making those widely-used resources more visible and accessible to users. All of the documents formerly in those two left-side links have been transferred to their respective right side modules.
Secondly, the Office Resources module is now a Topic Tree Side Module. When users hover over the links within the module, a list of subtopics will appear next to it, allowing the user to find what they are looking for in less clicks! Besides some condensing and renaming of subtopics, this module is organized the same way as before.
Audience Dropdown Menu: As an additional search tool, we have added an “Audience” choice drop-down menu next to the search bar. While authors create their documents, they will be able to mark the most relevant audiences. If a user is searching, they can click what type of audience they are, and the documents they will search for will be filtered through that.
Inactivated Unused Topics: There were about 10 different sub-topics that were never tied to a document, or had not been in multiple years. These sub-topics were marked inactive to clear up the topic tree/side modules. If you find that you need a new topic or the reinstatement of an old sub-topic, please reach out.
Gateway Author Tools/Resources (Internal Users Only): This module has been moved from the right side to the bottom part of the center content. We have also updated the Style Guidelines for L&S KB Authors document and the L&S KB Document Creation Basics (formerly named Getting Started in Administrative Gateway). If you are a document author, please make sure to read through these thoroughly before editing and creating your documents as there are different requirements.
Favorite Documents Module (Internal Users Only): One of the features on KB is saving documents as favorites so that you can have quick access to them. We created an internal module on the right side where you should be able to access documents that you mark as favorites. For a detailed description on how to do this, look at the KB User's Guide page on Managing Your Favorite Documents.
-- L&S Administrative Gateway: Maryellen Pawley