Wisc Account Administration site - Administer NetID Accounts

There are times when administrators (IT support staff) would benefit from having access to manage other NetID accounts within a group/department/division.

Note: If you're trying to administer a service account, please see Microsoft 365 - Managing Authorized Administrator of a service or resource account document.

Why request this access

There are many benefits to both the administrator and the user. It allows the administrator to support the user in ways which they could not before.

The following is a list of actions/features an administrator will have the ability to perform on behalf of the user:

  • Under "Account Administration"
    • Administrators
    • Modification History
  • Google Apps
    • Create Google Group
  • Office 365
    • Assign Address
    • Status
    • Email Addresses
    • Permissions
    • Forwarding
    • Consolidated Account Information

How do I request access to NetID accounts

  • The Wisc Account Administration site provides you with the necessary process to request access to NetID accounts.

    What information do I need:

    You will need a list of the NetID's you wish to administer.

    This process is available to any NetID account that is an administrator of a Manifest group. As a mail domain administrator, a Manifest group has been automatically created for each domain you are an administrator for.

    Request access to NetID accounts:

      1. Log into Wisc Account Administration site using your NetID credentials.
      2. Go to Tools tab and expand the Requests sub-menu. Click Request Administrative Access.

        Request Access location

        If you do not see this function, contact the DoIT Help Desk.

      3. Within the "Request Administrative Access" menu, select and enter the necessary information:

        request access form

        • Administrative Group ID: This drop-down contains a list of all Manifest groups to which your NetID has administrative access. The NetID(s) you are requesting administrative access to will be added to the selected group upon approval. If more than one group is listed within the select box, select the group which correlates to the users you are requesting access to. If you do not know which group to select, contact DoIT Help Desk.
        • NetIDs: Enter the NetID(s) you are requesting administrative access to in this box, separating each NetID with a space, comma, or line feed.
        • Submit Request: Submitting this request will generate an email to each NetID user's email account. The email will notify the user that you have requested access over their NetID account for the Manifest group selected. They will be prompted to follow a link to the Wisc Account Administration site to approve or deny this request. Go here to review a user's perspective of this process.

    1. Click Submit Request button to send a request to every NetID you have entered. Repeat this process for any additional NetIDs.

      Note: If an error occurs during the process of generating an email to each NetID account, verify that you have entered the correct NetID of the user. Otherwise, contact DoIT Help Desk and provide them with the error and the NetID of the account it is associated with.

How do I manage a NetID account I have access to

  • After the user has approved your request to manage their NetID account, you will then be able to administer their account via the Wisc Account Administration Site.

    1. Log into Wisc Account Administration site using your NetID credentials.
    2. Click on the account (email address) under the "Accounts" section which you want to manage.

      Depending on your access privileges, at a minimum you will see the domain(s) you are an administrator for and a list of the NetID accounts you have been granted rights to administer.

    3. You will be taken to the "Home" page for this account which you have been granted access to. You will see the account you are currently managing, listed in the top right of the account home page, pictured below:


      As stated above, you will now be able to manage this account within all the areas granted to you.

office365 microsoft o365 m365 microsoft 365 administrator administer administrative tool domain domains services requesting administrative administration access grant netid rights control management netid
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WAA S. in Wisc Account Admin
DoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365, Wisc Account Admin