Personal and legal holiday administration policies for all UW–Madison employees will be provided for in this policy.
In 2025, University Staff leave schedule will transition from calendar year (January 1 – December 31) to fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). This policy ensures both employees and supervisors have a clear understanding of the transition period January 1 – June 30, 2025, and of the new fiscal year policy effective July 1, 2025. For additional details on this transition, visit University Staff Leave Schedule Change.
This policy applies to full or part-time Faculty, Academic Staff, University Staff, and Limited Appointees in leave-eligible positions.
If not covered by the WRS, expected to work at least 440 hours (21% for annual-basis appointment) for at least one year.
Note: Only time worked for UW–Madison or UW System after the employee’s WRS annuity effective date is included to meet the one-year duration requirement in Section (A)(I)(2) of this policy.
Movement From Another State of Wisconsin Agency.
When an employee moves from another State of Wisconsin Agency to a UW–Madison appointment, they will be granted personal holiday hours, provided the new appointment is eligible for personal holidays.
Movement to Another State of Wisconsin Agency.
When an employee moves to another State of Wisconsin agency, remaining accrued personal holiday will be paid out by the unit as a lump sum.
UW–Madison grants eligible employees nine paid legal holidays per fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) for the following legal holidays:
An employee may use regular or floating legal holiday hours prior to the date on which the legal holiday occurs. If the employee leaves university employment prior to the date on which the legal holiday occurs, the employee must repay any legal holiday hours used in advance of the legal holiday. In lieu of paying back over-used legal holiday hours, the employee is eligible to swap other available accrued leave, if available.
Note: Sick leave may only be used per UW-5051 Sick Leave and may not be used in this situation unless the original absence is eligible for sick leave.
See UW-5052 Vacation.
Failure to appropriately report personal and legal holiday leave usage may result in the denial of leave or the loss of paid leave hours.
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College/School/Division HR |
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Employee |
03-24-2020, 04-25-2021, 01-10-2022, 10-24-2022, 10-07-2024