Case Study - Rubric

Using a rubric to assess student performance using a case study in an online discuss to facilitate investigation and research of content.

Rubric example: a case study

Rubric example
Points 10 7 3 0
Quality of post The learning plan and work plan were well-developed and supported. The learning plan and work plan were adequately developed and supported. The learning plan and work plan were poorly developed and supported.

The learning plan and work plan were insufficiently developed, or no posting.
Quality of response Analysis and critique of the plans were thorough and fair. Analysis and critique of the plans were adequate.

Analysis and critique of the plans were weak.

Effort in analysis and critique was insufficient, or no comment was posted.

Keywordscase study, rubric, online, discussionDoc ID103920
OwnerTimmo D.GroupInstructional Resources
Created2020-07-13 12:47:34Updated2024-08-23 15:32:24
SitesCenter for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring
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