CAE Duo - Overview of MFA DUO in Engineering

An overview of MFA Duo for College of Engineering resources
The College of Engineering has integrated Duo into critical Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) IT services to adhere to campus policies. In order to utilize Multi-factor authentication, you will need to set it up on a smartphone, tablet or token using your CAE specific account. Once you are enrolled in the College of Engineering's Duo, you will be able to authenticate with Duo on both UW Madison and Engineering services. You will be able to seamlessly use the same phone, tablet, or token for your NetID and your CAE account. If you are unsure of your CAE specific username and password you can use the self service portal here for more information, or to reset your CAE account: CAE Account Portal

More on the Duo Multi-factor Authentication Project can be found at the general campus KB page here:  MFA-Duo - What is Duo Multi-factor Authentication?.

If you are getting an error that states you have been locked out due to too many login attempts, you will need to contact the CAE help desk to have a CAE staff member unlock the CAE DUO account.

CAE Duo Setup:

Other CAE Duo Information:

Campus Duo Resources:

Contact Us:
By Email: 
By Phone: (608) 262-5349

Keywordsmfa duo overview fob token multifactor landing start   Doc ID110616
OwnerDan S.GroupCAE
Created2021-04-30 09:11:55Updated2021-09-14 10:31:10
SitesComputer-Aided Engineering
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