Frequently Asked Questions About My Learning Analytics (for students)
About MyLA
My Learning Analytics, or MyLA, is a tool in Canvas that allows you to view your progress towards learning goals and check your performance in a course. More information is provided in My Learning Analytics (MyLA) for Students.
How do I get to My Learning Analytics?
You can get to My Learning Analytics from a participating Canvas course. There are links at the top of the Assignments, Files, and Grades pages.
You can also use the My Learning Analytics link in the left-hand navigation. Keep in mind, the visualizations will build over time, as you access more course content and submit assignments. The first time you access MyLA at the start of the semester, there may be very little data that appears initially.
What data does my instructor see in the visualizations?
Your instructor has access to the same visualizations, however they do not see individual student data. Instead, they will see the combined class activity. Here’s a comparison document that describes what students see and what instructors see.
MyLA Visualizations: Student View & Instructor View (quick ref)
Why don't the MyLA links show up for all my courses?
MyLA is currently available in select courses for students and instructors to pilot. Your feedback will inform next steps about whether we continue to offer MyLA for students and instructors to use.
Why doesn’t the Assignments Planning tool show all the assignments in the course? Why don’t I see data in MyLA from etext readings, Kaltura videos or homework assignments?
Only assignments that are available directly in Canvas show up in My Learning Analytics. As your instructor gives you access to more assignments in Canvas, they'll show up in the visualizations. Be sure to read the syllabus and check with your instructor if you have questions about assignments.
Why can't I see all of the visualizations?
Your instructor determines which data visualizations are available in My Learning Analytics. For example, you may have access to Resources Accessed and Assignment Planning but not the Grade Distribution. Additionally, some smaller courses (fewer than 10 students) will automatically disable the Grade Distribution visualization, to ensure student privacy.
I just submitted a quiz and can see my grade in Canvas - why doesn’t MyLA include it too?
Data will not appear instantly; typically it will take 24 hours but there may be a lag of up to 72 hours between when Canvas activity occurred and when it will be visible in MyLA. (We are working to shorten this timing; there are multiple data sources and layers.)
Why doesn't My Learning Analytics work on my phone?
In this version, the pages are optimized for viewing on a laptop or desktop computer. Mobile viewing will be added in future versions.
Where can I get more help, report a problem, or give feedback?
The UW-Madison Learning Analytics team can help. We want to hear your feedback or know if you are having any problems with My Learning Analytics. Contact the Learning Analytics Center of Excellence at
Check out this video for demonstration of how to use MyLA: My Learning Analytics Tutorial (9:17 mins).