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Updating Your SoP Directory Profile Page

Directions on updating your directory profile page.

To update your SoP Directory Profile page: 

  1. Click on the Intranet link:

    If you're on the or websites, the Intranet link is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
    Screenshot of the Intranet link on the facstaff and students sites

    If you're on the main website, you'll want to click on the LOGIN link at the upper right corner of the screen and select Faculty & Staff from the drop-down menu.

    Screenshot of the LOGIN link on the main site
  2. You'll be taken to the update page. Here's an overview of items you can update:

    • GENERAL INFO - You can update:
      - Your office (e.g., 2501 Rennebohm Hall)
      - Your office phone # (e.g., 608-263-4859)
      - Your lab phone #

      Important Note:  Please consult the IIT team before checking/unchecking a check-box in the Research area, as the choice you make may impact how/where your data gets displayed on the SoP website.

      - Note:  Fill in the field(s) that are relevant to your job/role.  If you add text to a particular field, that area will show up as a tab on your profile page (e.g., Bio, Research, Clinical Practice).  Any alteration to a field (even the addition of a space) will activate it to display on your page.  If you accidentally activate a field that you don't want, contact IIT for assistance.

      - Images:  In some instances faculty may wish to include an image or diagram relating to their research in this area.  If you're interested in incorporating an image on your page, please contact Sally Griffith-Oh in IIT for assistance.

      screenshot of the tabs that appear on each directory profile page, depending on which text fields are filled in

    • DEGREE (Add or Remove):
      screenshot showing how to add/remove a degree

    • LINKS:
      Links are displayed in the left column below your contact info on your profile page.

      You can populate this area with links to:
      - your CV (PDF)
      - your PubMed page, NIH, or Google Scholars page
      - your research lab website
      - affiliated research websites

      screenshot showing how to add a link to your profile page

      Note:  If you copy your pubs list from a Word doc and paste it into the pubs text field, you'll notice that the formatting (bold, numbered list, italics, etc.) gets stripped out.  This is because the formatting code used by Word (and other word processing programs) messes up the html code used by your web browser.

      - You will need to reformat your pubs list (re-do bold & italicized text). 
      - Please do not use underlined text - underlined text should be reserved only for linked text.
      - When adding DOI links, set the target to "new window" so that viewers can easily return to your profile page.

      Need help updating your pubs? Contact Sally Griffith-Oh in IIT for assistance.

  3. Most importantly -- after you complete your updates, make sure to click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page to finalize your edits.

General Formatting Note: 
When adding/editing the text on your profile page, please do not add any underlined text (especially when pasting from a Word doc).  On the web, only linked text should be underlined. 

Questions about updating your profile page?  Need a new photo of yourself for your page?

Contact the IIT Helpdesk:

directory profile page profile account web profile 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Amy C. in School of Pharmacy
School of Pharmacy