Results: 1-11 of 11

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Editing SOP website pages in Word Press655452024-08-021648
2Creating an account in Word Press for editing privileges.655462024-08-021503
3Updating Your SoP Directory Profile Page329452024-07-011905
4Add Calendar Event in Wordpress643692024-06-173357
58 Web-Editing Best Practices1329372023-12-06186
6Using the Wordpress Media Library777622023-11-211846
7Set up an e-newsletter in Outlook Desktop1067412023-10-092495
8Submit an Email Announcement1106872022-08-01746
9Create a new curriculum (pd) page691782022-08-011268
10Add new Instance to CE Word Press site690302022-08-011178
11School of Pharmacy Data Sharing with SIS1222122024-05-07299

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