Topics Map > Electronic Lab Notebooks

LabArchives: Notebook Intuitional Transfer

Purpose: The purpose of this SOP is to describe the process needed to transfer LabArchive (LA) notebooks across institutions.

Purpose: The purpose of this SOP is to describe the process needed to transfer LabArchive (LA) notebooks across institutions.

1. Definitions:

Site Admin (or Service Lead): An individual within the university or institution who provides leadership and service support for Lab Archives.

Owner: LabArchives user who owns each notebook, typically the PI or a designee (ex: lab manager)

2. Prerequisites

In order to transfer a notebook to a new institution, there are a few prerequisites.

  • Active NetID access
  • A new LabArchives account associated with another university
  • Permission from the LabArchives Site administrator(s)

3. Moving LA Notebooks to UW Madison

If you are seeking to transfer a notebook from one institution to UW Madison, you will need to

4. Moving LA Notebooks From UW Madison

  1. Ensure ownership of all notebook(s) that need to be transferred (restricted and non-restricted data)
  2. Create a copy of the notebook(s)
    • Add email associated with your new institutional account as a user
  3. Sign and Freeze Original notebook(s)
  4. Transfer ownership of the original notebooks to Site Admin or another designated owner within UW Madison.
    • This retains a copy at UW-Madison to comply with UW Madison data retention policies.
    • Other UW-Madison researchers can be added as needed as read only.
    • Site Admin is Mary Murphy (As of 09/15/2022)
  5. Set up meeting with UW Madison Site Admin
    • Site Admin will temporarily allow notebook ownership outside of UW Madison
    • Owner logs in with their UW-Madison NetID credentials and transfers ownership of the new notebook copy to their new institutional account. They can then add lab members as users as needed within the new institution.
    • Admin re-establishes settings to disallow transfer of notebook ownership to those outside of UW-Madison.
    • The owner can manage notebook membership from their new account.

Documentation of Changes

Net ID

Description of Changes

Date of Changes

Date of KB Publish






Re-organized to be provide step by step process and added hyperlinks











KeywordsELN, electronic lab notebook, LabArchives,   Doc ID126952
OwnerMary M.GroupUW-Madison Research Data
Created2023-03-29 12:42:40Updated2024-07-23 15:05:22
SitesUW-Madison Research Data
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