Results: 13901-13920 of 14861

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
13901Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 08-25-1666363The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-08-232495
13902Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 08-11-1665912The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-08-092690
13903ASA Document 597A. Ad Hoc Committee on Titling and Compensation Report63705The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-07-182630
13904IT Access - e-Reimbursement27153IT Access2016-07-1457809
13905Reset Password in Outlook O36564731Law School2016-07-062805
13906Law User Chrome Installation on Windows desktop64497Law School2016-06-273251
13907IT Access - Query Library27164IT Access2016-06-1353969
13908Home Networking Self-Help4251DoIT Help Desk2016-06-0233394
13909ASA Document 611. Resolution on Cultural Competency63724The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272455
13910ASA Document 610. ASPP Changes - Election Ties, Chapter 13 and 1463723The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272394
13911ASA Document 609. ASPP Changes - Types of Appointments, Chapter 263722The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272391
13912ASA Document 608. Recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee on Academic Staff Assembly Engagement63720The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272624
13913ASA Document 607. Report from Ad Hoc Committee on ASA Engagement63719The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272767
13914ASA Document 606. Report from Committee on Access and Accommodation in Instruction63718The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272256
13915ASA Document 605. Memorial Resolution for Dana Alder63717The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272491
13916ASA Document 604. Recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee on Titling and Compensation63716The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272547
13917ASA Document 603. Resolution of the Committee on Women in the University Regarding the UW-Madison Sexual Assault Climate Survey Task Force Report and Recommendations63715The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272398
13918ASA Document 602. Report from UW-Madison Sexual Assault Climate Survey Task Force63714The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272399
13919ASA Document 601B. Shared Governance Values Statement63713The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272425
13920ASA Document 601A. Shared Governance Values Statement63712The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2016-05-272580
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