Results: 1-20 of 55

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
1Group Work104612Instructional Resources2024-04-163306
2UW-Madison Box - Support Overview27827Box2023-12-28238554
3UW-Madison Box - Collaboration33539Box2024-04-1746306
4Nvivo Collaboration Server - Login, Open Project, Change Password117698UW Surgery2022-07-19467
5UW-Madison Qualtrics - Sharing a Survey (Collaboration) [Campus login required]94437Qualtrics2021-09-0725
6Video Communication & Collaboration for Faculty, Staff, & Students - Microsoft Teams102975Law School2020-06-112113
7Using Collaboration and Teamwork136028Instructional Resources2024-04-24205
8UW-Madison Box - Troubleshooting Collaboration Problems40946Box2024-04-179108
9Kaltura - Media Collaboration: Changing Media Ownership, Adding Co-editors, Co-publishers, and Co-viewers [UW-Madison]49707Learn@UW-Madison2024-01-0217209
10Online Collaboration Tools98752School of Education2021-04-051020
11Webex App - Getting Started using the Webex App89040Cisco Webex2024-05-1413467
12SharePoint Accessibility and Usability Information107386IT Accessibility and Usability2024-05-082582
13Which video conferencing or webinar tool should I use? (Google Meet, Cisco Webex , Microsoft Teams, Zoom)45390DoIT Help Desk2024-05-0762368
14Group Effort Analysis Rubric114201Instructional Resources2024-04-232283
15UW Madison Box - Types of Shared Links45562Box2024-04-197620
16Two-Minute Question-Development Talks128237Instructional Resources2024-04-16985
17Online Group Work: Barriers and Challenges104624Instructional Resources2024-04-164732
18Using Zoom Breakout Rooms107403Instructional Resources2024-04-163469
19Using Google Docs Chat Feature to Collaborate in Classrooms104572Instructional Resources2024-04-165709
20UW-Madison Box - Administrative Reports119004Box2024-03-141329
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