Results: 261-280 of 2729

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
261Faculty Senate Minutes 2023-12-04135251UW Secretary of the Faculty2024-05-08312
262Faculty Senate Minutes 2024-04-01137223UW Secretary of the Faculty2024-05-08395
263Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 05-09-24137193The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2024-05-07345
264Van Hise room 294 AV Equipment and Support130438L&S Learning Support Services2024-05-06355
265Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-25-24137123The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2024-05-03510
266PAR 2023137094Medical History and Bioethics2024-05-02187
267L&S Letter Templates for Academic Staff, University Staff, TE and LI Appointments120566L&S KB2024-05-026746
268Dell Hub Monitor Ports and Connections Setup133070WCER2024-05-021998
269College Library Room 2256 - Recording Booth - Troubleshooting122503Libraries2024-05-011407
270College Library Room 2256 - Recording Booth - Quick Start122498Libraries2024-05-011784
271L&S Gift Management: Depositing Gifts, Gifts in Kind, and Gift Acknowledgment127640L&S KB2024-05-011059
272Using UW-Madison's Tableau Server84940Data KB2024-05-015828
273Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 05-02-24137046The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2024-04-30341
274L&S Gift Management: How to clear overdrafts on fund 233 gift accounts26520L&S KB2024-04-296760
275Academic Staff Executive Committee Minutes 04-18-24136991The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2024-04-26388
276Cisco DECT - Cisco 6800 DECT Phone End User Troubleshooting Guide133875Voice Services2024-04-26630
277University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-04-15136948UW Secretary of the Faculty2024-04-24429
278Academic Staff Executive Committee Agenda 04-25-24136923The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2024-04-23349
279Rodan - Remote Desktop Connection136918UW Surgery2024-04-23223
280MFA Duo - Duo Restore136679Identity and Access Management2024-04-222044
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