Results: 5241-5260 of 5351

No.Document TitleIDGroupUpdatedViews
5241With the grain [Glossary]55263DoIT Printing2015-08-174107
5242Against the grain [Glossary]55254DoIT Printing2015-08-174495
5243Trapping [Glossary]55252DoIT Printing2015-08-174467
5244Tints [Glossary]55228DoIT Printing2015-08-174102
5245Trim marks [Glossary]55229DoIT Printing2015-08-174136
5246Trim size [Glossary]55230DoIT Printing2015-08-174426
5247Tape Bind [Glossary]55209DoIT Printing2015-08-174279
5248Trim Box [Glossary]55210DoIT Printing2015-08-174475
5249Head-to-head [Glossary]55191DoIT Printing2015-08-174417
5250Head-to-toe [Glossary]55192DoIT Printing2015-08-174268
5251Work and tumble [Glossary]55194DoIT Printing2015-08-174476
5252Work and turn [Glossary]55195DoIT Printing2015-08-174372
5253TXT [Glossary]55185DoIT Printing2015-08-174185
52541 to 2 [Glossary]55213DoIT Printing2015-08-174564
52551 to 1 [Glossary]55212DoIT Printing2015-08-174350
52562 to 1 [Glossary]55214DoIT Printing2015-08-174354
52572 to 2 [Glossary]55215DoIT Printing2015-08-174256
5258The Carnivore’s Dilemma46559Animal Agriculture &
Sustainable Develop.
5259Rethinking the Meat-Guzzler46558Animal Agriculture &
Sustainable Develop.
5260ASA Document 569. Background Sheet for ASPP Discussion-Procedures for Tie Votes for Elected Governance Positions41800The Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff2015-06-292407
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