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CyberArk Privilege Cloud - View Accounts

The Accounts page displays your accounts in a set of views that you can display, sort, and access quickly and easily. These multiple views enable you to display accounts according to predefined criteria, based on account and operation status.

View Accounts Overview

You can define customized views according to your own requirements and save them, so that you can display search results in one quick step. You can perform a variety of management tasks in each list of accounts, depending on your own permissions for accessing these accounts.

These different views, and the ability to manipulate entire lists, combined with the multiple actions that you can initiate on the same page increase usability and streamline account management, making it intuitive and efficient.

Account views

The selected view determines the accounts that are displayed in the Accounts List. You can display the following types of views:

Account views

Type of view


Views by account list

Lists accounts according to usage

Views by status

Lists accounts according to management status.

You can show the credentials, copy them, and edit the account properties in any of the lists.

Views by account list

All accounts

A list of all the accounts in the Vault that you are authorized to access, their properties and status.

Recently used

A list of the accounts you recently used in Privilege Cloud. The number of accounts can be customized according to your needs, depending on the number of recent accounts you need to access regularly.

Accounts listed in this view include the following activities:

  • Newly added accounts
  • Manual password changes
  • Show/copy credentials
  • Connect to a remote machine using a regular connection
  • Connect to a remote machine through a PSM connection


A list of the accounts you recently used in Privilege Cloud. The number of accounts can be customized according to your needs, depending on the number of accounts you need to access regularly.

You can add accounts to the Favorites list so that you can view accounts that you use frequently at a single click. This list is personal to each user, and accounts are added and removed from it manually.

Views by status

Disabled by CPM

A list of accounts that have been disabled automatically by the CPM, and are not currently managed automatically.


A list of accounts that are locked by your user and other users.


A list of accounts that could not be managed successfully by the CPM, resulting in an error.

Newly added

A list of new accounts that were added to Privilege Cloud.


A list of accounts that were deleted. Only authorized users can see this view and undelete accounts. This replaces the Archive link in previous versions.

Disabled by user

A list of accounts that have been disabled manually by users, and are not currently managed automatically by the CPM.

Views by operational state

Safe Managers can display different operational views, which includes lists of accounts and service accounts at different stages of operations and with various statuses. In addition, you can initiate mass operations.

Scheduled for Change/Verification/Reconciliation

Lists of accounts that are scheduled for immediate change, verification, or reconciliation by the CPM. These lists also include accounts that were scheduled for an immediate task but are no longer managed by the CPM because the Safe where they are stored is no longer managed by the CPM.

Successfully reconciled

A list of accounts that were successfully reconciled by the CPM.

Access in last 7 days

A list of accounts that were accessed by users during the previous seven days.

Modified by user in last 7 days

A list of accounts that were modified manually by users during the previous seven days.

Modified by CPM in last 7 days

A list of accounts that were modified automatically by the CPM during the previous seven days.

View account status

A variety of drop-down lists and buttons enable you to perform multiple actions on the displayed accounts, according to your permissions in the Vault.

The accounts list toolbar displays the actions that can be performed on the accounts displayed in each list. The drop-down lists and buttons differ according to the list that is displayed as well as according to your permissions in the Vault, so you can only view the actions that you are authorized to perform on the displayed accounts.

Account status at a glance

The account status enables you to see the status of each account at a glance. The account lists display the following account statuses:

Account Status




Automatic management for this account has been disabled by either the user or the CPM.


The CPM failed to perform an automatic management task.


The account is locked. Move your mouse pointer over this icon to display the name of the user locking the account.

Dual control

Users must request permission to access this account. Only when confirmation of the request is received can the user access the account.

Pending request

Your request for authorization to retrieve this account has not yet been confirmed.

Confirmed request

Your request for authorization to retrieve this account has been confirmed.

Accounts and Service Accounts grid

The accounts lists are displayed in a grid that you can organize according to your requirements and personal preferences.

Grid Display Options



Multiple Paging

After a search, all the accounts that meet the specified criteria are displayed in multiple pages.

The Accounts List facilitates full sorting, meaning that when you sort the displayed accounts according to column, all the accounts are organized in the new order across all the pages in the list.

Column displays

You can reorganize and resize the columns in your accounts list, as well as sort the accounts according to some of the displayed columns.

Displaying search results

Each time you perform a search, the results are displayed in a list with all the account properties.

KeywordsCyberArk, PAM, view, accounts, vault   Doc ID110927
OwnerPeter V.GroupCybersecurity
Created2021-05-20 11:28:59Updated2024-08-06 11:32:12
SitesOffice of Cybersecurity
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