Examples of Candidate Statements - Shared Governance Committee Elections

Below are guidance and examples for writing a candidate statement.

Consider including the following in your candidate statement:

  1. Basic information about how long you’ve been at UW-Madison, listing significant committee memberships.
  2. A few sentences on why you’d be a good member of the committee, e.g., what you’d bring, your vision.

Examples of past winning candidate statements:

University Committee (2011)

Professor. Member of the faculty since 1998. Former department chair. Current member: Campus Planning Committee; Divisional Executive Committee (vice-chair). Former member: Graduate School Fellowships Committee; Letters and Science Equity and Diversity Committee; Reaccreditation Steering Committee; Reaccreditation Theme Team (co-chair); Research-Service Grant Review Committee.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is a unique place, at least in part for these two reasons: first, it takes seriously its role as a public institution that serves the public good; and second, it sees a strong system of faculty governance as crucial to its strength. As a member of the university community since 1998, I've worked hard in several roles to continue these traditions of solidarity and transparency. At a time when the university is threatened with a further decrease in resources and is poised to enter into a new relationship with the people of the state, it is more important than ever to vouchsafe the continued strength of the UW-Madison by ensuring that the voice of the faculty is heard as we move forward.

University Libraries Committee (2016)

Associate Professor (affiliate Theatre and Drama); member of the faculty since 1992. Current member: Arts and Humanities Divisional Executive Committee; Center for the Humanities Advisory Committee; L&S General Education Committee. Former member: Graduate School Arts and Humanities Fellowships; Faculty Appeals Committee; Fulbright Evaluation Committee; Department of German Undergraduate and Graduate Program Committee. Our campus libraries are an extremely valuable resource and part of the strength of this university.  I would be pleased to serve on this committee as an adviser and advocate for our library system, not only as a dedicated library user, but also as a scholar who has worked extensively on reading and media issues. I am willing to invest time and energy in developing policies that will contribute to keeping these libraries in the best possible shape and in using the available (financial and personnel) resources wisely. In particular, I am concerned that our libraries fulfill their role for all disciplines, the sciences as well as the humanities, in a time of rapid technological change and a proliferation of channels of information.

Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits (2014)

University service:
Professor; member of the faculty since: 2006
Kemper K. Knapp Bequest Committee, 2013-2014
Faculty Senate, 2008-2011, District 81
Faculty Senate alternate, 2006-2008, District 81

As state funding for UW-Madison has decreased over the past decades and broader economic crises have constrained philanthropic donations, the university has had increasing difficulty maintaining faculty salaries and compensation at a level commensurate with our peer institutions and commensurate with the qualifications of its faculty and staff. Recent attempts to rectify this situation through the Critical Compensation Fund and the planned HR restructuring are important steps but the danger exists that they may be insufficient to correct the problem. I am interested in serving on the committee on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits in order to help monitor the implementation and evaluation of changes already underway, as well as looking for new ways to enable UW-Madison to reach salary parity with its peers in order to retain and attract the highly qualified faculty members that are crucial to the university's mission.

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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty