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February 2025
Agenda for February 17, 2025, 1:00pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (1:00) Call to order
- Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
- (1:30) Jack O’Meara and Michelle Felber, PROFS
- (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
- (no earlier than 2:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 10, 2025
- Announcements and updates
- Senate agenda review
- Allowable expense on grants-childcare
- Townhall planning
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Agenda for February 10, 1:00pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (1:00) Call to order
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 3, 2025
- Announcements and updates
- (1:15) J. Michael Collins and Carol Hulland, Retirement Issues Committee
- (1:30) Chad Goldberg, Professor, Department of Sociology
- (2:00) Charles Isbell, Provost
- (no earlier than 2:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- (3:00) Ricki Colman, Vincent Cryns, K.D. Thompson, Anna Andrzejewski, Shaun Marcott, Tonya Roberts, and Susanne Eckes, Divisional Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Agenda for February 3
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (1:00) Call to order
- Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- (1:15) Eve Emshwiller, chair, Lectures Committee
- (no earlier than 1:25) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meetings of January 27 and January 31, 2025
- Announcements and updates
- (2:00) John Zumbrunnen, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, and Allison La Tarte, Vice Provost for DAPIR
- (2:30) Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
January 2025
Special Meeting
Agenda for January 31, 10:00am
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (10:00) Call to order
- (no earlier than 10:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) to discuss matters that require a closed session for competitive or bargaining reasons
- Reconvene in open session
- Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2025-01-31
Agenda for January 27, 2025
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair)
- (1:00) Call to order
- Susan Ellis Weismer and Thomas Kuech, Ombuds Office (Annual Report)
- (1:15) Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
- (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean, Graduate School
- (2:00) Charles Isbell, Provost
- (2:30) Keith Woodward, Professor, Department of Geography
- (3:00) Craig Thompson, Vice Chancellor for University Relations
- (3:30) Amy Trentham Dietz and Angel Tang, University Libraries Committee (Annual Report)
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 16, 2024, January 14, 2025, and January 22, 2025
- Announcements and updates
- (no earlier than 3:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Senate agenda review
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2025-01-27
Special Meeting
Agenda for January 22, 12:30pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair)
- (12:30) Call to order
- Senate Agenda Review
- UW System representatives-feedback on future of higher education report
- (no earlier than 12:35) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2025-01-22
Special Meeting
Agenda for January 14, 4:00pm
UC members expected present: Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein
- (4:00) Call to order
- Senate Agenda Review
- Promotion adjustments for 2025-2026
- UW System representatives-feedback on future of higher education report
- (no earlier than 4:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
December 2024
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (12:30) Call to order
- Christina Olstad, Dean of Students, Brent Plisch, Interim Chief of Police, and Argyle Wade, Chief of Staff for the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- (1:00) Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 9, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
- (2:00) Judith Burstyn, Professor, Department of Chemistry
- (2:30) Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor
- (3:00) Morton Gernsbacher, Chair, Committee on Committees
- (no earlier than 3:10) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
- Reconvene in open session
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-12-16
Agenda for December 09, 12:30pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (12:45) Call to order
- Michelle Felber and Jack OMeara, PROFS
- (no earlier than 12:55) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 2, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- (1:15) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- (1:30) Response to UW System Copyright Policy Changes
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Note: PROFS Board of Directors meeting will take place at 12:30.
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-12-09Agenda for December 02, 12:30pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (12:30) Call to order
- (no earlier than 12:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 25, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- (1:00) LaVar Charleston, Vice Chancellor for Inclusive Excellence
- (1:30) John Zumbrunnen, Senior Vice Provost and Academic Affairs
- (1:50) Debriefing regarding recent guests
- Faculty Policies and Procedures deadlines in Chapters 7, 9 and 10
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Senate at 3:30 in 272 Bascom
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-12-02
November 2024
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones (chair pro tem), Kendall, Stein, Zweibel
- (12:30) Call to order
- (no earlier than 12:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
- Reconvene in open session
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 18, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- (1:00) Dom Zappia, ASM Chair, and Ashley Hagen, ASM Shared Governance Chair
- (1:15) Dietram Scheufele, Chair, Committee on Honorary Degrees
- (1:30) Elmo Rawling, Chair, Budget Committee (annual report)
- (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean, Graduate School
- (2:00) Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor
- (2:30) Charles Isbell, Provost
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Agenda for November 18, 12:30pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (12:30) Call to order
- (no earlier than 12:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- (12:45) Mahua Dey, co-chair, Campus Diversity and Climate Committee
- (1:00) Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, and Kurt McMillen, Administration Innovation and Planning, Readiness Team
- (1:30) Keith Woodward, Professor, Department of Geography
- (1:45) Senate Agenda Review
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 11, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- (2:30) Michelle Felber and Jack OMeara, PROFS
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-11-18
Agenda for November 11, 12:30pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (12:30) Call to order
- (no earlier than 12:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss a waiver and committee appointment updates
- Reconvene in open session
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 4, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- (1:15) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- (no earlier than 1:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(g) to confer with legal counsel regarding litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved
- Reconvene in open session
- (2:15) Seate Agenda Review
- Debriefing regarding recent guests
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-11-11
Agenda for November 04, 12:30pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (12:30) Call to order
- (no earlier than 12:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments and waivers
- Reconvene in open session
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 28, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- Discussion of recent guests
- (no earlier than 1:10) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Continue discussion of recent guests
- Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Faculty Senate at 3:30, 272 Bascom
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-11-04
October 2024
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
1. (12:30) Call to order
2. Charles Isbell, Provost
3. (1:00) Gopal Iyer, chair, University Curriculum Committee (annual report)
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 21, 2024
5. (no earlier than 1:05) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
6. Reconvene in open session
7. Announcements and updates
8. (1:30) Dorota Greiner-Brzezinska, Vice Chancellor for Research
9. (2:00) Angela Byars-Winston, Professor, Department of Medicine (Black Community Experience Report)
10. (2:30) Faculty Senate Agenda Review
11. (2:45) Nathan Sherer, chair, Recreation and Wellbeing Advisory Board (annual report)
12. (3:00) Keith Woodward, professor, Department of Geography
13. Meeting wrap up
14. Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-10-28
Agenda for October 21, 2024, 12:30pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Kendall, Li (chair), Zweibel
- (12:30) Call to order
- Jon Eckhardt, Professor, Wisconsin School of Business (Entrepreneurship Report)
- (1:00) Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
- (1:30) Michelle Felber and Jack OMeara, PROFS
- (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 14, 2024
- (no earlier than 2:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Announcements and updates
- Senate Agenda Review
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Agenda for October 14, 2024, 12:15pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein
- (12:15) Call to order
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 7, 2024
- (no earlier than 12:16) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments and a tenure clock extension
- Reconvene in open session
- Announcements and updates
- (12:30) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School, and Soyeon Shim, Dean of the School of Human Ecology (Graduate Tuition Task Force)
- (1:00) Andre Phillips, Executive Director of Admissions and Recruitment, and Derek Kindle, Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
- (1:30) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
- (2:00) Charles Isbell, Provost
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Agenda for October 07, 2024, 1:15pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (1:15) Call to order
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 30, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- (1:30) Bikash Pattnaik, chair, Immigration and International Issues Committee (annual report)
- Honorary degree update and proposed FPP changes
- Discussion of possible working group/committee to study divestment
- Discussion of possible tenure guidelines changes and RISE hires
- (no earlier than 1:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss a waiver
- Reconvene in open session
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
September 2024
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (12:30) Call to order
- Dom Zappia, chair, and Ashley Hagen, shared governance chair, Associated Students of Madison
- (1:00) Diana Harvey, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Communications, and Nancy Lynch, Vice Chancellor for Legal Affairs (Institutional Statements Policies)
- (1:30) Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 23, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- Senate agenda review
- Senate operating procedures (Vote)
- Dual Role Waivers discussion
- (no earlier than 1:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Agenda for September 23, 2024, 12:30pm
- (12:30) Call to order
- (no earlier than 12:31) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)() and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments
- Reconvene in open session
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 16, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- (1:15) Discussion of Institutional Statements Policies
- (1:45) Senate Agenda Review
- (2:00) Charles Isbell, Provost
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Agenda for September 16, 2024, 12:15pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein
- (12:15) Call to order
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 9, 2024
- Campus Planning Committee/University Academic Planning Council seat changes
- Announcements and updates
- (1:00) Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
- (1:30) Michelle Felber and Jack OMeara, PROFS
- (1:45) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
- (2:00) Erla Heyns, Dean and Vice Provost for Libraries, and David Pavelich, Associate Dean
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
Agenda for September 09, 2024, 12:30pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair)
1. (12:30) Call to order
2. (no earlier than 12:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments
3. Reconvene in open session
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 19, 2024
5. Announcements and updates
6. (1:00) John Zumbrunnen, Senior Associate Provost for Academic Affairs and Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (RISE update)
7. (1:30) Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor
8. (2:00) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
9. Meeting wrap up
10. Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-09-09
August 2024
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
- (1:00) Call to order
- Todd Shechter, Chief Technology Officer, and Tamara Walker, Associate Vice Provost and Academic Technology Director, DoIT
- (1:30) Nick Curtis, Assessment Director, and John Zumbrunnen, Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (course evaluations)
- (2:00) Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 12, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- UC operating procedures
- (2:30) Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor and Charles Isbell, Provost
- (no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c)(f) and (g) to confer with legal counsel regarding litigation in which it is or is likely to become involved and to discuss waivers
- Reconvene in open session
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-08-19
Agenda for August 12, 2024, 1:00pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones (chair pro tem), Kendall, Stein
- (1:00) Call to order
- Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
- (1:30) Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of July 22, 2024
- Announcements and updates
- (2:00) Patrick Sheehan and Karen Massetti-Moran, Office of Human Resources
- (2:20) Paul Seitz and Haley Rogers, Office of Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, and Armando Farias, Office of Strategic Consulting (administrative quality satisfaction survey)
- Meeting wrap up
- Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-08-12
July 2024
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
1. (1:00) Call to order
2. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of July 8, 2024
3. Announcements and updates
4. (1:15) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
5. (1:30) Discussion on possible FPP changes regarding prior service
6. (1:45) Ruben Mota, ADA Coordinator, and Mari Magler, Director of the McBurney Center
7. (no earlier than 2:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
8. Reconvene in open session
9. (2:30) Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor
10. Meeting wrap up
11. Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-07-22
Agenda for July 08, 2024, 1:00pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones (chair pro tem), Kendall, Stein, Zweibel
1. (1:00) Call to order
2. Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
3. (1:30) Michelle Felber and Jack OMeara, PROFS
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of June 24, 2024
5. Announcements and updates
6. (2:00) Charles Isbell, Provost
7. (2:30) Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor
8. (no later than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
9. Reconvene in open session
10. Meeting wrap up
11. Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-07-08
June 2024
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones, Kendall, Li (chair), Stein, Zweibel
1. (1:15) Call to order
2. (no earlier than 1:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointment
3. Reconvene in open session
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of June 3, 2024
5. Announcements and updates
6. UC assignments for 2024-25
7. UC and Senate operating procedures
8. (2:00) Charles Isbell, Provost
9. (2:30) Paul Robbins, chair, Indirect Costs Task Force
10. Meeting wrap up
11. Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-06-24
Agenda for June 03, 2024, 1:00pm
UC members expected present: Bernard-Donals, Jones (chair pro tem), Kendall, Stein
1. (1:00) Call to order
2. Rob Cramer, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
3. Announcements and updates
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 20, 2024
5. UC assignments for 2024-25
6. Final exam survey results
7. (no earlier than 2:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers
8. Reconvene in open session
9. (2:30) Jennifer Mnookin, Chancellor
10. Meeting wrap up
11. Adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2024-06-03
Archive of Previous Years
University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2023 to May 2024
University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2022 to May 2023
University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2021 to May 2022
University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2020 to May 2021
University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2019 to May 2020
University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2018 to May 2019
University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2017 to May 2018
University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2016 to May 2017
University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2015 to May 2016
University Committee Meeting Minutes June 2014-May 2015
University Committee Meeting Minutes June 2013-May 2014
University Committee Meeting Minutes June 2012-May 2013