UW-Madison Qualtrics - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Known Issues

This is a list of frequently asked questions and answers about the Qualtrics service through UW-Madison.

Is there training available for Qualtrics?

The UW-Madison Qualtrics Service Team does not offer any in person training for the Qualtrics software. However, Qualtrics has a wealth of free webinars to help you get started with the service. See: Qualtrics On-Demand Webinars

You will be required to Login in order access many of the Webinars. On the sign-in page you will need to select "Sign in with SSO" at the bottom of the Login window. On the next screen enter uwmadison as the Organization ID. When you click on the Continue button it should redirect you to a NetID Login screen or back to the XM Basecamp home page. Troubleshooting steps are to try a different browser or a private browsing session. If you are unable to access the Webinars you will need to open a case with Qualtrics Support: UW-Madison Qualtrics - Log-In to Qualtrics Support

Does UW-Madison Qualtrics use my legal name or Name in Use in my profile?

UW-Madison Qualtrics will display your Name in Use if you have one set, otherwise your legal name is used. Your Qualtrics profile is updated at each login. If you change your Name in Use you will need to login to Qualtrics in order for the change to be reflected in your Qualtrics profile. For more information about changing Name in Use see, MyUW Madison - Update Name in Use (Preferred Name).

Can I log in using my departmental email address or Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) Service Account? e.g. bucky@dept.wisc.edu

No, Microsoft 365 (formerly Office 365) Service Accounts can not log-in to UW Madison Qualtrics. See Microsoft 365 - Applications that Microsoft 365 service accounts can access using NetID login for the list of services that support M365 Service Account access.

Qualtrics Groups can be used to share surveys with a work group or team. For additional information, please see: UW-Madison Qualtrics - Groups

What Qualtrics XM features are supported for UW Madison users?

UW System licenses the Qualtrics Research Core survey application which includes several add-on application:

The following question permissions are not available under the UW System license agreement with Qualtrics:

  • Auto Complete with Google Maps
  • Video Response

The following Qualtrics Integrations, Add Ons, and Extensions are not supported for use in the UW Madison Brand:

  • Adobe Analytics
  • Advanced Security: Sensitive Data Policy and Fraud Detection (e.g. Bot Detection & Enhanced Ballot Box Stuffing Features)
  • Brandwatch
  • Conjoint & Maxdiff Analysis
  • Facebook Messenger Extension
  • HubSpot Extension
  • Freshdesk Extension
  • Jira Extension
  • Marketo
  • Microsoft Teams
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Panel Management
  • ReviewTrackers
  • SalesForce
  • ServiceNow Extension
  • Slack
  • SMS Surveys
  • Tableau
  • Tango Card Task/Single-Instance Incentives
  • Ticket Tasks
  • Trello
  • XM Directory
  • Zapier Integration
  • Zendesk Extensions

Other Qualtrics products that are not available to UW Madison Qualtrics accounts includes Qualtrics Employee Experience, Qualtrics Customer Experience, Qualtrics Brand Experience and Qualtrics Product Experience.

Why can I only send 10 emails?

Survey Owners: Typically when survey owners run into email sending limits it is because they have signed up for a Trial Qualtrics account instead of provisioning an account in the UW-Madison Brand. Please make sure you are logging in here: https://uwmadison.qualtrics.com

For more information about Trial Accounts, please see: Trial Accounts FAQ.

Survey Collaborators: The other common reasons why people run into sending limits is when a survey has been shared with a collaborator in another Qualtrics Brand. Behind the scenes Qualtrics creates a "sharing" or ghost account in the survey owner's Brand. Sharing accounts are limited to 10 emails. When the collaborator accesses the survey it is within the context of the sharing account with the associated email limitation. The only way around this limit is to have the survey owner distribute the survey to respondents.

What is the distribution sending limit?

Accounts within the UW Madison Qualtrics Brand are limited to 50,000 emails per week. It is possible to temporarily raise that limit, see UW-Madison Qualtrics - Distribution Sending Limits for instructions.

Keep in mind that there is a great deal of survey fatigue on campus and across the internet. You are one of dozens, if not hundreds, of people sending out surveys to campus. Many people perceive surveys to be spam unless they have specifically requested to participate in your study. We encourage you to follow best practices and select the smallest sample size that meets your needs.

Can I share a survey outside of our organization?

All users in the UW Madison Qualtrics Brand are Enabled to both "Collaborate Inside of the Organization" and "Collaborate Outside of the Organization". If you are having difficulty sharing with a non-UW-Madison user please verify the following:

  • Are you using the correct email address or Qualtrics username for the other account?
  • Does the other user's account allow collaboration outside of the organization? Not all Brands allow their users to do this.
  • Is the other account a Trial Account? Free personal Qualtrics accounts do not allow the user to collaborate on surveys.

For more information on inviting survey collaborators see: Collaborating on a Project.

@survey.wisc.edu: how to request an alternate address

Note:We recommend against changing the default From Email Address of Qualtrics distributions. However, we recognize that there are some cases where users prefer to receive the bounce messages from distributions or have other concerns related to using the Qualtrics provided From Address.

The @survey.wisc.edu domain is setup specifically for use in the From Address field when sending emails from within Qualtrics. To request an alternate email address in this domain please contact the Domain Administrators for survey.wisc.edu at admins@survey.wisc.edu. Please provide the following information:

  • Address you are requesting (e.g. buckybadger@survey.wisc.edu).
  • The NetID or Service account that will have the address as an alternate.

For more information about alternate addresses please see: Microsoft 365 - Manage Alternate Email Addresses

Can I request a Qualtrics Group?

Yes! See UW-Madison Qualtrics - Groups for details on how to request a UW Madison Qualtrics Group.

Login Error: "User account is disabled"

If you encounter the error message "User account is disabled" when you login to UW-Madison Qualtrics, it indicates that your Qualtrics account is going through deactivation and has been set to disabled. An example of the error message is shown below:

Screenshot of Qualtrics Account Disabled Error message

If you are a returning student or staff member and you are now eligible for UW-Madison services you will need to follow the instructions in the document: NetID - Activating Missing Services. Once you have activated missing services for your NetID you will be able to access your Qualtrics account.

Error accessing old distribution data

Qualtrics engineering only preserves up to 3 years of distribution history. Older distribution history is not accessible from within the Qualtrics web application.

The UW-Madison Qualtrics team can request access to old distribution data but recovery of the data is not guaranteed. If the data is recoverable at all, it can take several weeks and is returned as a .csv file. See Email Distribution Management for more information regarding Qualtrics Distributions.

No text in the Progress Bar

Selecting "Progress Bar: With Text" in Look & Feel of an existing survey does not add text to the progress bar. There was an issue with the UW Madison 1 theme that was preventing the text from displaying properly. This has been fixed for new surveys. For existing surveys:

  1. Select a different theme (e.g. SRSS1)
  2. Save the Look & Feel settings
  3. Verify the new theme by previewing the survey
  4. Change back to the UW Madison 1

Note:This will also have the effect of updating the survey to the latest version of the UW Madison 1 theme (last update: 5/15/2017).

Keywordsqualtrics survey frequently asked questions faq training progress bar add-on sms offline tableau email limit stats iq statsiq statwing error login survey.wisc.edu preferred name group usability accessibility bot ballotbox office 365 o365 m365 project help error activated activates Eligible Eligibility Services service missing deactivated subprocessors name use distribution history   Doc ID82316
OwnerAdmin Q.GroupQualtrics
Created2018-05-17 10:23:35Updated2024-04-18 12:02:37
SitesDoIT Help Desk, UW-Madison Qualtrics Survey Hosting
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