Topics Map > VPN and Remote Desktop

Changing your GlobalProtect VPN Portal to UW-Madison VPN

We are recommending that users change GlobalProtect to connect to the UW-Madison VPN. These instructions will walk you through changing your settings from Science Hall VPN to UW-Madison VPN.


  1. Click on the tray icon to open the GlobalProtect VPN Client:
    VPN tray icon

  2. If you are currently connected to VPN, click Disconnect.
    VPN client user interface

  3. Click on the three lines to open the menu. Click Settings to open the VPN client settings.
    Settings menu in GlobalProtect

  4. Click on the portal address, then click Edit.

  5. Change the portal address to Click Save, then close the GlobalProtect Settings window.
    Portal address highlighted in Settings Portal address highlighted and changed to uwmadison

  6. Open the GlobalProtect VPN client again and click on Connect.
    VPN client not connected

  7. Enter your NetID username and password, then click Sign In.
    Sign in for portal

  8. When prompted, either enter a Duo passcode and click Sign In; or enter 1, click Sign In, and complete a Duo push authentication.
    MFA Duo screen - 1 for push, or else enter code

  9. You will now be connected to the UW-Madison VPN. When you are done using VPN, click on the tray icon to open the GlobalProtect VPN Client, then click Disconnect.

MacOS / OS X

  1. Click on the GlobalProtect Globe icon in the top menu to open the GlobalProtect interface.
    Globe icon in top menu of macOS

  2. If you are currently connected to VPN, click Disconnect.

  3. Open the Settings menu by clicking on the three lines and clicking on Settings.
    GlobalProtect VPN status

  4. Click on the portal address, then click the pencil icon.
    Portal address add/edit/remove screen

  5. Change the portal address to Click Save, then close the GlobalProtect Settings window.
    Edited portal address to

  6. Click on the GlobalProtect Globe icon in the top menu again, then click Connect.

  7. Enter your NetID username and password, then click Sign In.
    Sign in for portal

  8. When prompted, either enter a Duo passcode and click Sign In; or enter 1, click Sign In, and complete a Duo push authentication.

  9. You will now be connected to the UW-Madison VPN. When you are done using VPN, click on the GlobalProtect Globe icon in the top menu, then click Disconnect.,, vpn, globalprotect, global, protect, portal   Doc ID113282
OwnerTino K.GroupDept of Geography
Created2021-08-26 10:16:59Updated2024-02-14 11:31:58
SitesDepartment of Geography
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