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WiscWeb - Submit a feature request

The following document will walk you through the process of submitting a new feature request for WiscWeb.

Steps for submitting a new feature request

To submit a new feature request, we'd like you to review the steps:

  1. Navigate to the GitLab Feature Request Board (link opens in same tab)
  2. Click on the Sign In button in the top right

    GitLab sign-in button

  3. Do not attempt to create a new username - you will be able to login with your UW-Madison NetID. Choose this option located below the login box:

    Login using the UW-Madison NetID button

  4. Since your feature may have already been requested, it is important to use the search box to confirm that you don't see a similar issue already posted. If one already exists, follow the steps for upvoting and commenting on an existing feature request and skip the rest of these steps.

  5. Select the New Issue button in the top right

    The New Issue button appears just after the Edit Issues button

  6. Give your feature request a Title based on what you are looking for. Please be specific and use relevant keywords that help describe the request to others.

  7. Ensure that the Type field says "Issue"

  8. In the Description box, there are some prompts to assist you with creating a more complete request. Please add a full description of your requested feature and include examples if you can. Designate a priority level for your request. Also, please make sure to include your name, email, and a link to your WiscWeb website URL.

    The GitLab issue box uses a pre-formatted template for users to apply to their request

  9. Scroll down and press the green Submit Issue button

    Submit Issue button

Upvoting and commenting on existing feature requests

To upvote and/or comment on an existing feature request, we'd like you to review the steps:

  1. Navigate to the GitLab Feature Request Board (opens in same tab)

  2. Click on the Sign In button in the top right

    Sign In button

  3. Do not attempt to create a new username - you will be able to login with your UW-Madison NetID. Choose this option located below:

    Login using the UW-Madison NetID button

  4. Use the search box to search for key terms that indicate a similar request has already been submitted.

  5. If you find a similar request, please click on it and read it over to confirm

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the thumbs up button to upvote the request

    Yellow hands showing thumbs up or thumbs down

  7. After upvoting, please add a comment that touches on:
    1. Why this feature is important to your group
    2. The URL(s) of your sites that could use this feature
    3. A description of the barriers you are currently experiencing (if applicable)

      Example of a comment below a feature request in GitLab

  8. Don't forget to click the Comment button to submit your notes.

How requests are reviewed

Quarterly reviews

WiscWeb is committed to quarterly reviews of feature requests submitted. This means that once every three months, we will review the requests submitted and determine what new features we could commit to in the following quarter.

At that time, we will also respond to requests as we're able. This may include following up with questions for the user, providing alternative solutions, providing status of the request, or notification of the closing of a request.

How are feature requests weighted?

WiscWeb gives more weight to requests that clearly demonstrate broad use or need on campus. Therefore, upvoting and commenting on requests that you find vitally important to your team is recommended. WiscWeb will sort requests by "Popularity," which is determined in GitLab by number of upvotes and number of comments.

Commenting on tickets ensures that we understand how your group would benefit from the feature. Therefore, we also highly recommend adding comments if you wish to upvote a request as it gives the request more weight and provides us with a deeper understanding of user needs.

Inactivity policy

Tickets will be deemed "inactive" if they have gone 6 months with little to no "activity." The support team will review the request and close inactive or low activity tickets with a note to the original post author. Requests may be reopened in the future if campus needs change.


  • Having trouble submitting your feature request? No problem - send us an email and we can submit the request for you:

Keywordsnew, features, requests, additions, technology, functionality, submit, gitlabDoc ID110624
OwnerJenna K.GroupWiscWeb
Created2021-04-30 14:52:02Updated2024-09-06 14:10:46
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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