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WiscWeb - Recommended Browsers

This document provides information on the recommended browsers for the UW Theme and WordPress.

UW Theme

The UW Theme supports the latest versions of all major web browsers:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari
  • Internet Explorer 11

This also includes mobile optimization and compatibility with current versions of these browsers.

For more information about browser compatibility within the UW Theme, please visit the About page on the UW Theme website and locate the Browser Compatibility section. 


We recommend that you refer to the WordPress Browser Issues page for further troubleshooting and support on WordPress browser compatibility.

Keywordsweb recommendations recommended internet explorer ie firefox safari chrome edge microsoftDoc ID13183
OwnerMatt G.GroupWiscWeb
Created2010-01-21 19:00:00Updated2023-05-12 15:52:17
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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