Topics Map > UW Theme Functionality > Page Elements

WiscWeb - Image page element

This document explains how to use the Image page element to add an image or graphic to your pages. Please Note: You can also add images via the Text Block. You are not required to use this feature for imagery.

In this document:

Purpose and use

The Image page element allows you to place an image in a two- or three-column content layout and have the UW Theme automatically format and position the image for you. The image can be alone, or can also include a caption beneath it.

  • Images with a width larger than the column will be formatted to take up the width of the column.
  • Images with height larger than width will take up a larger amount of vertical space. You will want to ensure you have enough content in the opposing column to take up a majority of the space so that you don't have large gaps of white space.

Please be aware that an image that you use within the Image page element is not usually considered decorative, and should have alternative text applied to it as you are adding it to your page.

Adding an Image page element

  1. Navigate to the page on which you want to add an Image.
  2. Scroll to the Primary Content Area and the Layout on which you want to add an Image.
  3. At the bottom of that Layout, click on Add Page Element.
  4. On the Page Element list, click on Image.

    Options available for the Image page element

    Adding the Image will give you these options:

    • Add image: Click here and select your image from your Media Library or upload it from your computer.
    • Image caption: This option allows you to decide whether to display the image's caption. The image caption can be set within the Media Library.
    • Image link: 
      • No link: default - no additional features.
      • Open image: opens a larger version of the image
        • Note: This links your inserted image directly to the original, full-size version of the file (more info located on the WordPress website).
        • Users will need to click the back button in their browser to return to your page after opening the larger image
      • Custom link: allows you to link the image to a URL

    upload, graphic, media, photo, picture, media library, caption, link, hyperlink
    Doc ID:
    Owned by:
    Matt G. in WiscWeb
    DoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb