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EPMBA - Your Personal Learning Environment

An introduction to the tools in your learning environment and how they interact with your device.

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Your personal Learning Environment(PLE)

Your Personal Learning Environment (PLE) is how you engage in learning; the PLE model of learning has four interacting components:

  • Connect - Among the ways that you can connect to information is through lectures, your classmates and colleagues, the library, and the web
  • Collect - You collect the information that you connected to for later use in an organized and purposeful way
  • Reflect - After you have obtained the information, you reflect on it to integrate it into your personal experiences to make it useful
  • Share - The information is shared with others as part of your learning and the learning of others, and leads to the top of this list.

How does your Surface Tablet as part of your Personal Learning Environment

Your Surface Pro Tablet can help you facilitate your Personal Learning Environment in the aspects of connecting, collecting, reflecting, and sharing.

    • Online resources (publications, databases, blogs)
    • Canvas Learning Management System (course materials)
    • Collect your course resources and research in Box and OneDrive cloud storage
    • Use OneNote to take course notes like a traditional notebook(and share it with your classmates and instructors)
    • Use OneNote to embed and/or reference images, links, embedded videos, draw diagrams, and more!
    • Download and take notes directly on course PDFs on your Surface Pro (Follow these directions from Microsoft.)
    • This is a video tutorial on how to add pictures, videos, and PDFs to OneNote.
    • Write papers in Word, submit them on Canvas
    • Participate in online discussions in Canvas
    • Share OneNote notebooks with your MBA colleagues
    • Participate in online discussions in Canvas

After you have set up your device, added apps and performed other configurations, you will need to know how to integrate the technology into your own learning environment. 

  •  Download and save course materials:
    In this article we included information on a workflow that allows you to download, save, annotate and share all kinds of documents from your class. We are assuming your instructor, MBA administration and teammates will share this information with you in your Canvas course site or email the documents directly to you. Take this as a guide to build your own custom system. You may develop variations of this workflow that work better for the way you learn

ATW, EEPMBA, Initiative, tablet, Surface Executive, EMBA, EEMBA, PMBA, EVMBA 
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Doug E. in Wisconsin School of Business
Wisconsin School of Business