Canvas - Options to Upload and Share Video in Canvas with Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison]

Kaltura MediaSpace is the video delivery system UW-Madison uses with Canvas - this article describes how Kaltura MediaSpace can be used with Canvas.

Users can use Kaltura MediaSpace with Canvas with four different tools:

  • Embed Kaltura Media - Users can embed Kaltura media wherever the Canvas rich content editor (RCE) is available.This is how we recommend you start using media with Canvas.
  • Kaltura My Media - Access to many of Kaltura MediaSpace's functions from inside Canvas - view and manage your personal media content.
  • Kaltura Gallery - Instructors can enable the Kaltura Gallery course navigation option to create a Kaltura media gallery for their Canvas course which both instructors and students can contribute media to.
  • Kaltura Video Quiz / Assignment - Users can create questions within a video for student self-assessment.

Embed Kaltura media in a Canvas course with the rich content editor

A screenshot showing the new Canvas rich content editor. The "Embed Kaltura Media" button is outlined in orange to help point it out.

Embedding Kaltura media anywhere the Canvas rich content editor is available is how most instructors use Kaltura media with Canvas and how we recommend you start. Instructions on how to do this are described in Canvas - Upload and Embed a New Kaltura Mediaspace Video in a Canvas Page [UW-Madison] .

Access many Kaltura MediaSpace functions from inside Canvas with Kaltura My Media

A screenshot showing a user having clicked on their user profile icon in the upper left to expand their user menu. The "Kaltura My Media" menu option is outlined in orange to help point it out.
You can access, browse, and upload media to Kaltura MediaSpace from inside Canvas by accessing Kaltura My Media. Instructions on how to do this are described in Canvas - Accessing Your Kaltura Media in Canvas with Kaltura My Media [UW-Madison] .

Kaltura Media / Media Gallery Canvas course navigation item

A screenshot showing a Canvas course media gallery. Two playlists display - one for "Student presentations" and another for "Week 1 Videos".

The Kaltura Gallery Canvas course navigation item is a Kaltura media gallery. It is a place where you can aggregate all of your course-related media and where students can add media as well. We don't generally recommend that instructors use this as the primary method of sharing media with your students because it is simply a large repository of media students may browse or access without context. We recommend instructors embed media in Canvas Pages (described above) and then organize those pages within Canvas Modules.

Media galleries are potentially more useful if you want students to upload and share videos with the class. You can add media from your My Media library to your Media Gallery. The Kaltura Gallery Canvas course navigation item is disabled by default. If you want to view aggregated analytics on how students are accessing Kaltura media in your course, start by enabling a course media gallery in your Canvas course, and then embed media from the media gallery into your course. This is covered in detail in Kaltura - Using "Kaltura Gallery" Course Media Galleries and Analytics in Canvas [UW-Madison] . The Media Gallery for a Canvas course is a special Kaltura Channel dedicated to that course. Because it is a Channel, you have the ability to create channel playlists. You can use channel playlists to organize you media into more meaningful groups.

Kaltura Video Quiz / Assignments

Kaltura video quizzes can be created by instructors from any video you upload to Kaltura. Video quizzes work by pausing the video to display a question for the student to answer. Those IVQs can also be setup as a Canvas Assignment and connected to the Canvas gradebook but at this time due to performance issues we recommend that they only be used for student self assessment and that they not be connected to points or grade items. For more information on Kaltura Interactive video quizzes please see:
  1. Kaltura - Adding Questions to Your Videos with Kaltura Video Quizzes [UW-Madison] 
  2. Canvas - Adding a Kaltura Video Quiz As a Canvas Course Assignment [UW-Madison]  

Keywordskaltura, mediaspace, media, video, audio, image, embed, video quiz, quiz, assignment, add, course, videos, Canvas,insert, embed, accessing, options media   Doc ID63003
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2016-04-27 11:34:41Updated2023-12-06 16:48:15
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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