HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Instance - Excluding Instructors from Questions (Admin) [UW-Madison]

This document describes how to exclude selected instructors from instructor-type survey questions in HelioCampus AC. You must be a HelioCampus AC administrator to perform these steps.

By default, HelioCampus AC will present instructor-type questions for each instructor listed in SIS. However, in some scenarios, an instructor may be listed in SIS, but may have limited or no interaction with the students. In such cases, HelioCampus AC administrators have the option of excluding these instructors from the evaluation.

Setting Up the Survey Form

When creating the Survey Form (HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Form - Creating and Editing Questions (Admin) [UW-Madison]), any questions regarding instructor performance must be presented using instructor-type questions, such as Instructor Multi-Choice or Instructor Text/Memo. If these question types are not used, the following instructions will be useless.

After publishing the Survey Form, you should create and publish a Survey Schedule (HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Schedule - Creating a New Survey Schedule (Admin) [UW-Madison]). This will generate the Survey instance.

Assigning Course Sections

  1. Within the appropriate survey instance, assign course sections as described in HelioCampus AC - Eval Survey Instance - Assigning Course Sections to a Survey (Admin) [UW-Madison].
  2. At the time you are adding the course sections, you will be presented with a large dialog box, "Assign Course and Exclude Faculty." On the left side of this window, the current "Faculty to Survey" appear on the left. Use the blue arrows in the middle to move to the right any instructors you wish to exclude them from the survey.
    Instructors to include are listed in the left panel. Instructors to exclude are listed on the right.

  3. If you have already assigned the course section, this dialog box can be re-opened by clicking the down-arrow next to the Remove button and select Exclude Faculty.
    Select Exclude Faculty from drop-down

  4. When finished, click Save.

Note: Any instructor who appears in SIS as a "supervisory instructor" will be translated into HelioCampus AC as a "Course Section Director". These individuals are automatically excluded from HelioCampus AC surveys. Thus, they do NOT need to be excluded with this process outlined above.

Keywordsaefis faculty tas remove removing exclude instructor-type type choose choosing selecting customize customizing   Doc ID81918
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2018-04-26 12:16:55Updated2024-06-20 10:57:21
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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