Topics Map > Academic Staff Assembly > 2015-2016 > 07. April

Academic Staff Asssembly Minutes 04-11-16

Approved 5-9-16

272 Bascom Hall
Monday, April 11, 2016
3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m.  

Automatic Consent: The Academic Staff Assembly minutes of Monday, March 14, 2016, were approved.  

Guest: Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
Chancellor Rebecca Blank provided an update to the Assembly on current issues.  She began by talking about diversity and campus climate.  There has been a troubling string of incidents that have directly affected and hurt members of the UW community.  There is also an increase in these types of incidents reported across campuses nationwide.  Clearly, there has not been as much progress in this area as people have thought.  Patrick Sims issued a video in response to one of the incidents.  The Chancellor has also issued an open letter to the UW community.  There is a new website called  New initiatives include programming about climate for all new freshmen; funding additional counselors at University Health Services for students of color; a comparison of the multicultural student center to peer schools; and a call for proposals and initiatives to implement on campus.  

There had been a lot of concerns regarding voter ID for students.  UW-Madison has issued a lot of voter IDs.  There were no long lines at student-heavy polling places for the April election.  New students, who don’t have a voter ID on campus when they arrive in the fall, can be issued a voter ID at the same time as their student ID.

Approximately $6.3 million in compensation adjustments went to academic staff last year.  The compensation and job titling study will begin shortly.  The first meeting on the joint UW System/UW-Madison governance committee overseeing this process will meet for the first time on Thursday, April 14.  Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf will be co-chairing this group along with UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Mark Mone.  

In terms of the legislature, UW-Madison received $86 million in bonding for the Chemistry building, and a bill was passed recently that allows CALS to sell its land and keep the funding to purchase other lands.  A bill also was passed that will allow transportation services money to fund other transportation needs, not just parking cars.  Bills on campus carry and fetal tissue research did not pass this session.

In regards to tenure, the new policy is different from past tenure policy on campus.  Layoffs can now take place with program closures, not just a financial emergency.  UW-Madison will not let go of tenured faculty members.  The new post-tenure review policy is not completed yet.  It will need to be sent to the Board of Regents for approval.

Standing Committee and Other Reports
Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Heather McFadden, Chair of ASEC, announced that nominations are currently being accepted for the Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Awards.  The deadline for nominations is Friday, April 22, 2016.  For more information, visit

Heather M. announced that she is serving on the UW System/UW-Madison Title and Total Compensation Study Advisory Council as the UW-Madison academic staff representative.  She asked that people contact her if they have questions or thoughts regarding the titling and compensation study.

Ad Hoc Committee on Assembly Engagement – Jenny Dahlberg reported that the draft recommendations from this committee have been sent to the Assembly.  The committee invites the feedback of the Assembly.  The current plan is to have the Assembly endorse the recommendations in May.  Feedback may be sent to Tim Markle, Brady Minter, Jenny Dahlberg or the Secretary’s office.

Election Results

Heather Daniels reported on the ASEC and Standing Committee election results.  For ASEC, Jenny Dahlberg was elected, and Robert Newsom and Kevin Niemi were re-elected.  For the Communications Committee, Matthew Call, Emily Kite, and Diane Stojanovich were elected.  For the Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee, Sharon Gehl was re-elected, and Nancy Graff Schultz and Carol Van Hulle were elected.  For the Districting and Representation Committee, Eileen Ewing and Benjamin Schultz were elected.  For the Mentoring Committee, Edmund Elder, Erica Gill, and Jessica Solcz were elected.  For the Nominating Committee, Dan Barnish, Africa Lozano, and Alissa Oleck were elected.  For the Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee, Deb Brauer and Carol Pech were re-elected, and Anna Lewis was elected.  Lastly, for the Professional Development and Recognition Committee, Jeff Armstrong was re-elected, and Nichlos Ewoldt, Jennifer Meier, and Martha Reck were elected.

Report from UW-Madison Sexual Assault Climate Survey Task Force
Bret Payseur reported that gender-based violence includes: sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence, and sexual harassment.  There has been a lot of recent federal actions regarding gender-based violence, so the Association of American Universities decided to administer a web-based survey for students on sexual assault and sexual misconduct.  26 of the AAU schools participated including UW-Madison.  22% of UW-Madison students responded.  The rate of sexual assault and misconduct is high on this campus.  28% of female students reported they have experienced sexual assault.  The bulk of these assaults take place in private off-campus residences.  Alcohol is a common factor, particularly on the side of the perpetrator.  Female students, LGBTQ students, students of American Indian descent and those with disabilities were more likely to experience a sexual assault.  The vast majority of perpetrators listed by the victims were male.  

There were also questions regarding sexual harassment on the survey.  The rates were high particularly for females.  Of female graduate or professional students who reported sexual harassment, nearly 22% reported the harassment was from a faculty member.  Undergraduates were more familiar with campus resources for victims of sexual assault or harassment than graduate or professional students.  

As a result of the student results, the task force made the following recommendations: strengthen targeted prevention efforts for incoming students in Housing; bystander action and peer support important; continue efforts to reduce high-risk alcohol consumption through education and enforcement; address disproportionate amount of sexual assaults in off-campus Greek housing; reduce gap in knowledge among graduate students about sexual assault and misconduct by instituting a required training program; appoint taskforce to address graduate and professional student reports of harassment and stalking by faculty and university employees; address mixed student experience with campus resources; address students’ limited knowledge of campus resources; improve support for groups (e.g.,  American Indian students, students with disabilities, and those who identify as LGBTQ+) who are disproportionately affected by sexual assault and misconduct; create opportunity to engage campus community in capacity building for addressing sexual violence; addressing potential perpetrators must remain a priority; appoint a Provost’s Advisory Group on Sexual Violence to provide overarching analysis and leadership in this area on campus; conduct periodic climate surveys to gauge progress.

Policy on Children in the Workplace

Aaron Crandall (ASEC) moved to adopt the policy.  Seconded.  Motion was approved with the following additional recommendations generated by discussion of the Assembly.  The Assembly recommends UW-Madison highlight the importance of providing flexibility to nursing mothers, and that UW System allow more flexibility in developing policies mandated by UW System including involvement by campuses earlier in the process.  

ASPP Changes-ASEC Term Limits Chapter 14
Jim Rogers (#499) moved to amend the language adding “ASEC members will serve three-year terms” to the first sentence.  Seconded.  Approved.
Eric Giefer (#484) moved to amend the language by adding “c. Eligibility for election to the ASEC is reinstated one year after a member vacates her or his seat on the committee.”  Seconded. Approved.

Michael Moscicke (ASEC) moved to change “her or his” to “a.”  Seconded. Approved.

Amended motion was approved.  

Resolution of the Committee on Women in the University Regarding the UW-Madison Sexual Assault Climate Survey Task Force Report and Recommendations
Matt Vieth (#473) moved the Academic Staff Assembly approve this resolution. Seconded. Approved.

Recommendations from Ad Hoc Committee on Titling and Compensation

Carol Van Hulle (#140) moved the Academic Staff Assembly endorse the Recommendations from the Ad Hoc Committee on Titling and Compensation. Seconded. Approved.

Discussion of Shared Governance Values Statement
Heather McFadden explained that the values statement handed out at the door was the original statement to be voted on by the various shared governance bodies.  The statement shown on the screen was the version passed by the Faculty Senate.  A vote on a statement will be taken by the Assembly in May.  The Assembly discussed the two statements.  

Adjourned at 5:03 pm.

Minutes submitted by Heather Daniels, Secretary of the Academic Staff

KeywordsASA Minutes   Doc ID63333
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2016-05-10 12:59:12Updated2020-07-13 15:08:41
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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