Bio-ARROW - General Help - Locate Protocol

Bio-ARROW help

The "My Home" page

Select "My Home" in the top menu of the screen to access your "My Home" page workspace.

All of your ARROW applications & protocols (Biosafety, IRB, IACUC, SCRO, and RVSO) will display on this page.


Protocols requiring an action are listed first under "MY INBOX" and will indicate what action is required. 
Select the protocol title to enter that protocol's workspace. 
Ensure your role under the "My Roles" tab is set to "Study Team Member" in order to view the "Study Team Workspace" and access your protocols.

All of your ARROW applications (protocols) in progress will be listed in MY INBOX (Biosafety, IACUC, IRB, SCRO, RVSO). 

my home

If you have more than 5 protocols that need action, there will be multiple pages of the "MY INBOX" section. You can advance pages by using the navigation arrows at the bottom of the section.
my home 2


Approved Tab: 

If you have started an amendment/renewal or a grant/personnel change, the original approved protocol will appear in the Approved tab section. Amendment/renewals will have the original protocol ID number + AM-### and grant/personnel changes will have the original protocol ID number + GP- ###.

Archived Tab: 

Archived, Expired, Withdrawn, Inactivated or Rejected protocols will be located in this tabbed section.

Protocol Workspace:

If you are in the protocol work space for your protocol, you can find all amendments and grant/personnel changes and their statuses under the "Follow-on submissions" tab. Select the protocol number to navigate to that protocol version.

my home 3

Still have questions? Call the Office of Biological Safety (OBS) at 608-263-2037. We are happy to help.

Keywordslocate protocol, find protocol, view protocol, view existing, grant/personnel changes, amendment/renewal changes   Doc ID43343
OwnerTara S.GroupARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee
Created2014-09-02 13:44:03Updated2023-08-22 15:42:05
SitesARROW - Institutional Biosafety Committee
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