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CHM Meetings & Events - Research Meeting

A description of CHM Research Meeting, it's goals, and how to sign up to lead one.

The CHM Research Meeting is a weekly meeting that is akin to a traditional lab meeting (Richie will not attend every meeting. If you would like his input, you should coordinate with his time-wranglers to confirm he can attend when you'd like to present). If you are leading a meeting you decide how to best use the time. This may involve having everyone consider a research or methodology question you have in your own research or it might be having everyone discuss an article you are excited about. You can choose how you would like to best use everyone's time during this meeting, but the goal of the meetings is to enhance the research and research community at CHM. 

Who can sign up to lead:

Faculty and scientists should sign up for at least one meeting a year. Trainees should also sign up for meetings and can discuss this with their supervisor. To sign up edit the entry on the Community Calendar by adding your name to the title of the meeting you want to present at and add a brief description of your topic in the meeting details.


Meetings will take place on a Wednesday each month at 2:45pm (sign-up to present on the Community Google Calendar). No meeting on the 3rd Wed of each month.


Usually in Room 124 and always virtually by zoom. Check the Community Calendar for the place if the meeting isn't in room 124.

Meeting ID: 949 0470 1686

Passcode: 995148

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,94904701686#,,,,,,0#,,995148# US (Germantown)

+13126266799,,94904701686#,,,,,,0#,,995148# US (Chicago)

Meeting ID: 949 0470 1686

Passcode: 995148


To get the recordings of a talk either ask Brendon Panke to add you to the zoom invite beforehand or ask him for the recording afterwards. If you want a recording of the meeting you'll have to ensure that a computer is recording the zoom meeting.

NOTE: Please sign up to present at a meeting in the Community Calendar by editing the event with your name and including a brief description with the topic. See the Community Google Calendar for current sign-ups.

Wednesdays, leading 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Brendon P. in Center for Healthy Minds
Center for Healthy Minds