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Top Documents of the Week
- CHM Undergrads - Important Dates
- CHM Undergrads - Lab Work: Quantity, Tracking Research Credit Hours, Quality
- CHM HR - Entering Time & Leave Elapsed Hourly Timesheets (Academic Non-Exempt Employees)
- CHM Policies and Procedures - Research Professor Policies and Procedures
- CHM Undergrads - FAN Meetings
- CHM HR - Lactation Rooms at CHM and UW
- CHM IT - Connecting to Peach (Remote Desktop/Terminal Server)
- CHM IT - Connecting to Printers at Kennedy
Most Recently Updated Documents
- CHM HR - Entering Time & Leave Elapsed Hourly Timesheets (University Exempt Employees)
- CHM HR - Lactation Rooms at CHM and UW
- CHM Purchasing - Under $5000
- CHM Purchasing - Business Purpose Guide
- CHM HR - Entering Time & Leave Elapsed Hourly Timesheets (Academic Non-Exempt Employees)
- CHM HR - Roles and Expectations for CHM Recruitments
- CHM Undergrads - Important Dates
- CHM Grants - CHM Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Fund