Morgridge Zoom General Information

General information about the Morgridge instance of Zoom.

Who has access to Zoom?

All full time Morgridge employees have access

How many people can be in a meeting?

Up to 300 people can participate in a meeting

How long can a meeting be?

If the meeting is scheduled by someone with a Zoom license, then there is no time limit to the meeting

What does this mean for Webex and Teams?

Webex and Teams are still fully supported by DiscoverIT. Zoom has been added as an additional option to make communication with organizations that primarily use the platform easier.

Where can I learn more about Zoom and how to use it

You can find more information about our instance of Zoom at You can also find instructions created by UW at and by Zoom at

Do we have Zoom Webinar licenses?

The Morgridge Institute has two webinar licenses. If you need to schedule a webinar please contact the IT helpdesk at

Do we have Zoom Events licenses?

The Morgridge Institute does not have any Zoom Events licenses.

Keywordszoom web conferencing   Doc ID117049
OwnerDrew G.GroupDiscoverIT
Created2022-03-01 15:21:34Updated2023-09-01 08:37:31
SitesDiscovery Building IT
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