News and Announcements
- Server Maintenance Feburary 12th, 2024 2025-02-10 20:40:18Maintenance will be performed February 12th from 6PM-12AM, which means that many DiscoverIT services could be inaccessible during this time.
Quick Links
DiscoverIT: (608) 316-4911 B1231
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Top Documents of the Week
- Your Discovery IT Account
- Using the Cisco Room System
- Connecting your computer to the Logi Group web conferencing system
- Adjust speaker and microphone settings in Zoom during a meeting
- Poster Printing: Acrobat on macOS
- Connecting to the WID VPN
- Discovery Building Password Policy
- Morgridge VPN Connection and Client Installation
Most Recently Updated Documents
- Using the Cisco Room System
- Connecting your computer to the Logi Group web conferencing system
- Poster Printing: Acrobat Reader on Windows
- DiscoverIT Maintenance Schedule
- How to use FastX 3
- Accessing Resources on Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Printer Setup
- Poster Printing: Acrobat on macOS