UW-Madison Google Workspace - Sites Web Address Mappings
All UW-Madison Google Workspace Sites have a web address: sites.google.com/wisc.edu/sitename, which can be difficult to remember and undesirable to publish. UW-Madison Google Workspace supports the ability to map different web addresses to Google Sites.
Important: Sites web address mappings only work for public Sites. Any time users are required to be logged in, they must use the default web address (custom URLs will act as a redirect).
Note: Custom URLs may only be requested for Google Workspace Sites created using the new Sites interface.
Custom Sites Mapping
If you meet the requirements for obtaining a custom domain name in DNS, you can map any web address to a single site. Please note, only subdomains of the wisc.edu domain are eligible for custom site mapping.
For example, if your Site is named: myproject, your Site can be available at myproject.mydepartment.wisc.edu or campusorg.wisc.edu
How To Request a Custom Sites Mapping
- Decide on a *.wisc.edu or *.department.wisc.edu web address to which you would like to map your Google Site.
- Request that a CNAME for your desired domain be created. Submit the current Google Site address and your desired domain name:
- For *.engr.wisc.edu domains, contact CAE (helpdesk@cae.wisc.edu).
- For all others, contact the DoIT Hostmaster (hostmaster@doit.wisc.edu).
- DoIT Hostmaster must approve the domain and create a CNAME record, then the request will be forwarded to the UW-Madison G-Suite team to complete the mapping.