Kaltura Capture - Notation Tools [UW-Madison]

This document describes how to access and use the Kaltura Capture notation tools to draw on the screen while creating a screen recording. Annotations are disabled if you are recording from only your camera.
Kaltura provides documentation on the recording menu and notation tools in their Kaltura Capture - Create a Recording guide.

To use the notation tools in Kaltura Capture:
  1. After starting your Kaltura Capture screen recording, click the pencil button on the control panel to expand the notation tools panel. You can click the pencil icon again to hide the notation tools panel.
The notation tools panel has the following tools (see screenshot below for labeled illustration).
  • Drawing tool: Use to draw freely on your screen.
  • Cursor tool: Change your cursor back to a regular cursor from before you started using the notation tools.
  • Select tool: Select a notation you created to move it on the screen.
  • Text tool: Type text anywhere on your screen.
  • Arrow tool: Use to draw an arrow to point out a specific element on your screen.
  • Select color: Select the color you would like to make your notations.
  • Line size: Change the line size of your notation.
  • White board: Open a new whiteboard for additional annotations.
  • Clear notations: Clear all the annotations you've added to the screen.
Screem capture showing the Kaltura Capture recording control panel with buttons labeled for the expand notation tools panel, the drawing tool, select tool, text tool, arrow tool, select color tool, line size tool, whiteboard tool, and clear notations tool.

Keywordskaltura, capture, screencast, screen, recording, recorder, notation, annotation, video media   Doc ID90599
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2019-03-25 08:16:54Updated2023-06-19 11:47:16
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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