WiscVPN - Installing the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Windows)
To install legacy versions of the client, please visit Index of Clients.
Note: Ensure that you are on the UW Madison Campus network in order to access the list of clients.
Note: This client is compatible only with Windows 7 and later.
Note: If you are having trouble installing WiscVPN, try disabling the antivirus on your machine. When you are done with the installation, re-enable your antivirus. Reboot your computer before trying to connect to WiscVPN.
Note: It is a common mistake to download the app version from the Windows store, which is not part of the standard installation process. Please make sure to download the client below.
Download the Client
- Windows (32-Bit)
- Windows (64-Bit)
If you are unsure of which version to download, please see Windows (Vista, 10, 11) - Determining 32-Bit, 64-Bit, or ARM Versions .
Instructions for Installing the Palo Alto GlobalProtect VPN Client
After downloading the file, navigate to your Downloads folder and locate the .msi file. Double-click it to begin the installation.
Follow the prompts given to you by the setup wizard.
If a Windows Security prompt pops up, please click "Allow".
If you experience issues installing WiscVPN using GlobalProtect on Windows, please see WiscVPN - Troubleshooting the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Windows).
For more information about connecting with the GlobalProtect client, please see WiscVPN - Connecting to the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Windows).
If you experience issues connecting to GlobalProtect, please see Download and Install the GlobalProtect App for Windows (paloaltonetworks.com) for more information
See Also
- WiscVPN GlobalProtect - How to Install, Connect, Uninstall, and Disconnect GlobalProtect VPN
- WiscVPN - Installing the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Windows)
- WiscVPN - Connecting to the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Windows)
- WiscVPN - Uninstalling the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Windows)
- WiscVPN - Disconnecting from the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Windows)
- WiscVPN - Troubleshooting the Palo Alto GlobalProtect Client (Windows)
- WiscVPN GlobalProtect - General Connectivity Troubleshooting