Support News

Expense Reports to be Returned as Part of a Workflow Realignment on August 27th

Posted: 2019-08-27 14:38:53   Expiration: 2019-09-03 14:38:53

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2019-08-27 14:38:53. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

On the evening of August 27th (4:15 PM), all Expense Reports, Cash Advances and Travel Authorizations that are in Approver and Auditor queues will be sent back to the travelers. Travelers should resubmit the items starting on August 28th.

Email sent to Division Coordinator and Financial Managers Lists

Subject: ***REMINDER*** August 27th - Standard Workflow Conversion

Hi Everyone,


On the evening of August 27th, UW-Madison will undergo a process to convert to Standard Workflow. This will align our e-Reimbursement workflow structure with the other UW colleges. The approval process itself will not change – all expense reports will still require an Approver and Auditor to sign off.

This conversion will require us to send back all expense reports that are in process. On the evening of August 27th, all Expense Reports, Cash Advances and Travel Authorizations that are in Approver and Auditor queues will be sent back to the travelers. The send-back note will instruct travelers to resubmit on August 28th.

We will be shutting off the Guided Expense Tool (GET) feed to e-Reimbursement first thing in the morning Tuesday, August 27th. Users will still be able to use GET as usual. However, Approvers will not receive these reports until the morning of Wednesday, August 28th. We don’t want GET reports to be submitted on Tuesday then immediately returned to the traveler Tuesday night. We will make considerations, if necessary, in regards to the 90-day rule. If the report is submitted in GET on August 27th, but the Approver doesn’t receive it until August 28th, the official submission date is August 27th.

Please notify your Approvers, Auditors, Travelers, and Alternates and encourage them to get as much processed as possible by 4:15 on August 27th.

This email was sent to the Division Coordinator list and Financial Managers List, please forgive duplicates.

Graig Brooks
Expense Reimbursement Program Manager

-- e-Reimbursement Team