Support News

Canvas - Quizzing Recommendations for Large Courses

Posted: 2020-04-29 10:20:00   Expiration: 2020-05-09 05:00:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-04-29 10:20:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

In courses with a large amount of enrollments (over 200 students), instructors may want to consider some additional recommendations for quizzing in order to prevent loading issues.

Staggering the start times for a section or for a group of students can spread out the load for starting a quiz. Quizzes in Canvas can be assigned to course sections, or they can also be assigned to students. Multiple sections and students can be assigned different start times within the same quiz. Even varying the start times for groups of students by 5 or 10 minutes can ease load.

If staggering is not an option, it's recommended that you leave additional time at the end of the quiz to make up for any load issues students may encounter. Students may see a blank screen over several minutes while the quiz is loading. Additional recommendations for students taking a Canvas quiz are available here.

For more information on best practices for quizzing in Canvas, please see this Learn@UW KB document. If you have any additional questions or issues, please contact the  DoIT Help Desk.

-- Learn@UW-Madison: Susan Sloan