Working remotely? Remember to connect to WiscVPN at least once a month
Posted: 2020-09-04 11:47:21 Expiration: 2021-05-31 11:47:21
If you're working remotely, remember to connect to WiscVPN at least once a month.
UW-Madison employees have primarily been working remotely since the middle of March, and so many work computers have been off the campus network for more than 6 months.
The UW-Madison Windows licenses need to connect to the campus network routinely in order to connect to the KMS (Key Management Service). If you've recently gotten an error message indicating "Your Windows license will expire soon," the most likely fix is to simply connect to WiscVPN (GlobalProtect) for a couple of hours. Your computer will check in with the KMS server and refresh the license.
If that does not work and you need more assistance, please Get Help from DoIT.
For more information:
- WiscVPN - How to Install, Connect, Uninstall, and Disconnect WiscVPN Palo Alto GlobalProtect
- [Windows] Volume Activation 2.0 at UW-Madison
- [Link for document 6399 is unavailable at this time]
-- DoIT Help Desk: Dana Gerber-Margie