Support News

Google My Drive trash retention is changing.

Posted: 2020-09-22 19:21:00   Expiration: 2021-09-29 19:21:00

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2020-09-22 19:21:00. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

Starting October 13, 2020, trashed items will be automatically deleted forever after they've been in the trash folder for 30 days.

With this new policy, any file that is put into a Google Drive trash will be automatically deleted after 30 days. Previously, trashed items would be retained indefinitely until the trash was emptied by the user.

Any files already in a user’s trash on October 13, 2020 will remain there for 30 days. After the 30-day period, files that have been in the trash for longer than 30 days will begin to be automatically deleted. 

These changes affect items that are trashed from any device and any platform.

As this policy takes effect, Google will show a banner to users with details of the change. The policy change will take effect regardless of whether a user sees or acknowledges the banner.

Learn more about Google's new retention policies for trashed items

-- UW-Madison Google Workspace