Kaltura Mediaspace - Errors when attempting to access Co-Editor and Co-Publisher owned videos in My Media (2/1/21) [RESOLVED]
Posted: 2021-02-01 14:39:41 Expiration: 2021-02-20 14:39:41
Users attempting to access certain Kaltura videos through My Media or Course Media may receive a "Not Found: The requested URL was not found on this server" error. This issue was resolved on 2/11/21.
This error began occurring on 2/1/21 and appears to be limited to videos that the user has Co-Editor and Co-Publisher rights to through a Kaltura Group, which for most individuals will primarily be videos migrated from Blackboard Collaborate Ultra to Kaltura through the UW System Media Management Process.
The error appears only when the user is accessing the video in My Media and does not appear when users are playing back the videos in published content areas, such as in Canvas.
More information and a workaround is available here.
UW System is working with Kaltura to resolve the issue.
-- Learn@UW-Madison