Known Issue: Zoom Desktop Client (Windows) Crashing When Screen sharing
Posted: 2023-03-01 22:51:25 Expiration: 2025-12-31 22:51:25
Select individuals are experiencing issues sharing their screen when hosting or co-hosting a meeting using the Zoom desktop client on a managed Windows computer.
Select individuals using a msi installed version of the Zoom desktop client on a managed Windows computer are reporting being kicked out of meetings they are hosting or co-hosting when trying to share their screen.
Individuals using a Zoom desktop client on either a macOS computer or non managed Windows computer do not appear to be experiencing this issue.
Individuals using the Zoom web client are not affected.
We are working with the vendor to identify the root cause and find a resolution.
Individuals affected by this issue are recommended to use the Zoom web client for the interim.
Individuals using a managed computer and experiencing issues with their desktop client should request the 64-bit msi version be installed on their computer.
IT departments should install the 64-bit msi version of the Zoom desktop client on users' computers.
Please contact the DoIT Help Desk if you have any questions.
-- UW-Madison Zoom