Calls regarding Whitewater's new payroll system
Posted: 2001-07-27 06:24:29 Expiration: 2001-07-27 06:24:29
Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2001-07-27 06:24:29. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.
Per Diane Caucutt, the calls from Whitewater re: the new student payroll system are NOT to be coming into the Help Desk...
Per Diane Caucutt, the calls from Whitewater re: the new student payroll system are NOT to be coming into the Help Desk. She says that they were told to contact Whitewater's central payroll to report any problems, and that central payroll would, in turn, report the problems to Diane.
Diane says we shouldn't need Clarify cases on any of the Whitewater calls about that system.
-- Ellyn Paul