Support News

Honorlock Service Interruption Feb 8

Posted: 2024-02-09 13:49:50   Expiration: 2024-02-16 13:49:50

Disclaimer: This news item was originally posted on 2024-02-09 13:49:50. Its content may no longer be timely or accurate.

On Thursday, February 8th, at approximately 7:37 pm CST, we experienced an unplanned service interruption in Honorlock that lasted approximately one hour. It’s important to note that instructors affected were emailed this notification directly. Services that were interrupted include starting exams and accessing the Honorlock LTI.

Last night at approximately 7:37 pm CST, there was an unplanned service interruption that lasted approximately one hour. The following sessions and/or services were impacted during this specific time frame:

  • Exam takers attempting to start an exam were unable to do so successfully.
  • Exam takers who had already progressed through Honorlock’s authentication process, and did not proceed to relaunch their web camera during the assessment, were able to remain in their exam successfully. However, these respective exam sessions were not monitored by Honorlock’s AI.
  • Exam takers who had already progressed through Honorlock’s authentication process, but proceeded to relaunch their web camera during the assessment, were not proctored for the remainder of their respective exam session.
  • Exam administrators who attempted to access Honorlock’s LTI were unable to do so successfully.

It’s important to note that instructors affected were emailed this notification directly.

-- Learn@UW-Madison: Kris Olds